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Monday, August 28, 2006 || Brace For It!

    Yeah! 6 more days and the sem hols will be here. It's sure been a slow semester for me, w/ so many challenges juz in this 1st sem of my 2nd yr. Wateva it is, I'll be heading to another specialisation nxt yr. So much for graduating one yr. later... haiz.

    God has been so good lately. Ever since I began my fasting last wk.(yes... even in the midst of my Studio Project), I feel so much more uplifted in spirit, even though it's tough sometimes when u haf frens munching away on snacks rite in front of you. Nevertheless, I believe fasting does produce gd spiritual results. Always haf believed in dat. Coupled w/ the Holy Spirit, it's more than enough motivation to keep me going for this wk's fasting, until The Lord tells me to stop.
    Wat am I fasting for? Well... many things. My ministry, G12 vision, revival (thank God for helping me constantly in this area)... hmmm... think dats abt it. God gimme strength to last these nxt few days!
    The crux of this whole affair is abt my ministry, which I believe I'm simply juz not doin' enough(dun u juz feel dat sometimes) in wat God has entrusted to me - a G12 Assistant Leader. I was really inspired by this annoynomous Christian quote I read recently: "Shepards don't merely point the way, but lead the way." How true it is! Jesus never simply pointed out the way dat leads to eternal life, but led them to it - dat was Himself! How I intepret it is somewhat abt more than juz informing people wat they should do, but to prove it through our actions. It's kinda like saying: "faith w/o works is dead"(James 2:26). My life needs to live wat I preach, a truth which I cannot hide from this time round.
    Thank God for Pastor Chui Chui's sermon ytd on 'Contending for The Faith', a really hard msg which I believe woke many up to reflect on their spiritual lives (me included), whether we've really been standing up for the 'one holy faith' as Jude emphasizes in his epistle.
    How true it is dat we're living in the last days, w/ all the apostasy and cheap grace going around in the certain Christian circles. I'm not saying churches shld be perfect. No church is perfect, but the most important qn. one shld pose to any congregation and it's ministers would be this: are we winning souls and building them up in dat holiness, w/ the faith, doctrine and long suffering dat Christ exemplified during his life on earth? How dare ministers of such twist biblical truths to suit themselves in order to walk this Christian life free and easy! Thank God they're winning souls, but it's as if they're giving these babes in Christ a poison apple, w/o the babes knowing the apple is poisonous. It still leads to death!
    I'm not condemning those who haf (and maybe, still are) sitting under such preaching. I pray dat they all will receive discernment through the meditation of God's Word and prayer to be sensitive enough to see the truth.
    Anyway, I've digressed... hehe. But I really hope dat God will open the eyes of these pple.

    Can't wait for Thurs, cuz I'll be revisiting my alma mater, dear Bartley Sec., for some catching up w/ old frens (i.e. see how much they've changed lol), and, of course, paying some dues to the teachers dat had helped me thru my much cherished secondary sch education. I'm gettin goosebumps juz thinking of how they'll react upon seeing me and my frens again. Maybe it wun be dat bad, since our year is still the batch dat the did the best for the O's. Dat shld give us some credit rite?

    Alrite... gotta get back to my SP work b4 I get it from my team...
    Peace out & GB.

    P.S. "Is what you are living for worth Christ dying for?" - An epitah of Leonard Ravenhill

Tohster was left alone on 12:11 pm

Saturday, August 12, 2006 || Back!

    So it's been like 2 weeks++ since I've last updated. So I'm back to clean-up some cobwebs, dust etc.
    Following 2day was one whole week of burning the midnight oil, although in the process, some assignments were done up pretty crapily (if there's such a term). I guess I've learnt to sleep a lot less during the course these few 'working' days. *Haiz*... sometimes I wonder if I'm a student or a working adult.
    Anw, specialisation transfer's successful and I'll haf to talk to 'Mr. Director', 'Master' Yang Tien come this week. Hopefully, I can pull out of SP this sem., since it won't do me any good staying on.

    It's pretty antagonising to my parents to noe dat this is the 2nd time in my entire life so far dat I've made an abrupt decision to switch course/study. Call me a late bloomer, but I can't help being a person dat's in the process of finding myself. In any case, my parents haf permissed, so I'm kinda on my own now. I pray dat somehow I'll get to prove my worth through my results, which hasn't been very promising this yr., despite the many sleepless night's.
    Maybe it's becuz I'm not spending enough time w/ God as I used to, remembering dat he's always the source of my strength. Ah but, yes, HOF taught me self-ctrl ytd nite. Muz stop staying up so late and catch-up on some shut-eye. I can feel the detrimental effects slowly coming in.

    I really wish I can some exercise during the free time I haf next semester. I can't even run around for 5 minutes in the soccer field without feeling drained. Did I tell you how drowsy I felt during last week's game? Ok, maybe it was the sweltering heat dat sapped all my energy, which explains the drowsiness. Hopefully, 2day's weather will be better.
    And I've got tix to the Planetshaker's Ultraviolet concert 2nite! Woot! Guess I'll pass the fireworks festival for this yr. Hehz.

    Thank God for slowly reviving my walk w/ Him. It's sad dat I've probably allowed the Devil to distract me w/ all my studies, so much so dat I've missed the appoinments I've made w/ Him. Thankfully, I'm currently reading the book of Psalms, which is pretty encouraging, though half the time there's mourning and grief somewhere in it. Thing is, dat despite all the sorrow, the authors of Psalms never fail to proclaim God as their refuge and strength ultimately, and never fail to constantly seek His face despite His wrath upon them.
    It's so important to pray for mercy everyday, for we do not noe in wat ways we haf offended God. Even the most subtle sin God sees - physically, mentally, spiritually. However, we always haf 2 choices, harden our hearts and believe in the lies of the enemy, which condemns you, or believe in the Word of God, repent, and receive forgiveness sans the condemnation.

    Ok, I'm juz speaking my mind. Wat I'm trying to say is dat, we've got so many things to learn, even overcoming the most subtle sins in our lives. If we truely 'go on to perfection'(as Hebrew mentions), let us not compromise even on the slightest things the Bible teaches us. It's tough, but His grace is sufficient enough, and we shld always go to Him in times of difficulties, not juz pertaining to studies, working life, family, but spiritual ones. May the Holy Spirit all guide us towards perfection.

    Aite, I gotta get rdy for Heart.Sports. Can't wait to get to Ultraviolet! Muahahaha!(Pardon the evil laughter... I'm really gng thr for the praise and worship). For those who didn't manage to get the tix, juz wanna encourage you by saying dat they'll be back annually. U simply can't miss them!

    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 12:17 pm

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10




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