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Sunday, April 30, 2006 || !*Not*Another*Day*!

    Ok, it's bad enough having dealt w/ probably the worst week of my life as of yet.
    Today's msg was real timely I guess, and thank God for it. How often do we forget to bless our circumstances, but rather we curse them, and it's kinda like striking a donkey which refuses to move. Instead of solving the situation, you get more frustrated and hurt. I dropped to my knees @ the alter, and wat the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart was this one sentence: "I won't take this for one more day as long as I live!" How liberating it is to cry out to Jesus, for only He can bear our burdens, as He did on the Cross.
    Praise the Lord.
    Wonderful outreach ytd, and I moved around w/ Pastor Que Beng. Made a joint effort in preaching the gospel to this particular youth, but I kinda forgot his name. It seems nowdays I'm getting more and more abesnt-minded anyway. Haiz. Thank God for wonderful fellowship w/ Michael, who suggested I pick up crossword puzzles to exercise my cerebral power, ytd after that, basically discussing abt the various probs he had in his home cell, his prev. church, how he wants to be on fire for God but ppl arnd him keep dousing his flame etc., and many other stuffz. Was edifying, even though I thought he was really gng to get down to studying his History text in midst of watching Man U. Vs. Chelsea @ W.T.C. Kinda unrealistic, but we were hardly focusing on the match either. Only managed to catch Joe Cole score the 2nd goal for his team. Hahaz, was a fantastic shot anyway. Much to Michael's dismay, he forgot the following match was to be Liverpool Vs. Aston Villa[Michael's choice team], and b4 we left, a most heart-wrenching scene: Liverpool scored the 1st goal via Fabregas. Ouch! So much for the blonde-moment followed when we left the cafe havin' forgotten to pay the bill, and had a rappin' from Karen thereafter, of which she threatened she would hunt us down like loan sharks if it really happened. As they say, 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorn'. 'Ouch!' again.
    Ok loads of work needed to be done 2nite. Chow!
    I'm not gng to let the enemy steal my coming week. God will make a way!
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 7:46 pm

Saturday, April 29, 2006 || ::Pricele$$ Salvation::

    Bad week. In general, everything still screwed up.
    I kinda felt God was a puppet master, toying w/ me throughout the week. Sending me buses on time, yet I was late for classes; had misunderstandings w/ my lecturers; having to deal w/ a v. unprofessional lecturer, and having to forfeit G12 [hopefully, for this week only] so I can attend his lessons; forgot to pay promise slip offering; the computer crashed, and my lappy's only comin' in mid-May; having to face up w/ a matter that should haf been settled a long time ago...
    The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.
    If you think it's easy having to face up to such a truth, it's easier said than done. As always, I'm reminded of Job, except, I was but anything like him @ the end. I wasn't given a back a double of what I've lost over the week.
    Then God gave me something greater... the joy of seeing a loved one saved.
    I received a phone call from Sister Susan ytd, thinking she was probably gng to say smth abt me having not paid up my promise slip on time. I was like: "Oh cmon', this can't be happening..." I was on the brink of screaming @ God. She requested for my mum, who obviously was not @ home. Then my HP rang, and it was my mum. So I told her Sister Susan was looking for her, and this is how it went down after I told Susan to call my mum on the office phone...

    Mum: 'Which "Susan" you talking abt?'
    Me: 'I check caller ID...'
    [gave her the no.]
    Mum: 'Oh, Susan Lee.'
    Me: 'I guess so...'
    Mum: 'I think she wants to tell me that Ah Yi [dat's my aunt] got saved this afternoon...'
    Me: 'oh, I see... HUH, WHAT? REALLY?!'
    Mum: 'Yah... It's a miracle. When I heard the news, I couldn't help contain my tears [chuckles].'
    Me: 'Waahhh!!! Praise God! Hallelujah!'
    Mum: 'Pastor Marion was thr, and was informed by her.'
    Me: 'Praise God... OUR PRAYERS WERE NOT IN VAIN! God is good!'
    [conversation continued thereafter]
    Mum: 'I'll cya later.'
    Me: 'Eh... I'm gng for HOF special event, "LIFE!".'
    Mum: 'Yah, we will be gng as well.'
    Me: '... ...'

    Strange how God works in mysterious ways. I mean, wat could be more worth than having the soul of a loved one coming into the kingdom of God. @ that moment, everything else seemed so distant. All my problems, all my cares... as if God oso lifted my spirits in the process.
    I was reminded of wat the Lord spoke unto Jeremiah, as I was making my way to the 'Life!' event in the stormy weather. Coincidentially, it was oso the focus of my devotional reading from Oswald Chamber's My Utmost for His Highest that day.
    'And do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them; for behold, I will bring adversity on all flesh," says the LORD. "But I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go."' [Jeremiah 45:5]
    Truly, wat more can we ask of God, other than the greatest thing any man can be given - his/her life. Whether we survey our lives as beautiful or juz downright lousy, it is stil a gift from God.
    If you're an unbeliever, and reading this particular post, I can only gif you this 1 encouragement: God feels your pain. I can't guarantee dat accepting Him into your life will stop pain from manifesting itself in you again. However, whether it'd be physical, mental, or emotional suffering, only one being can completely alleviate that pain - Jesus. The Son of God, who came in flesh and bloodof man, so that he could feel your pain. He took all of dat pain on himself on The Cross; every embarassment, every physical abuse, every sin, every rejection [even from God, his Father, becuz he was baring the sin of the world on himself @ that point of time of his crucifiction]. He did it for me, and he can do it for.
    Christians: I say the same thing to you, and take it from a guy who has grown up learning sbout Christ and God for almost his entire life as of yet. Suffering will still come becuz the enemy will do everything in his power to create dat unbelief in you. The Devil isn't lying down, defeated, juz becuz of the promises of Jesus, through His death and resurrection. He's fighting becuz of those promises. And until we learn to be faithful unto Him, we will most certinaly fall. It's all a matter of trusting in Christ, and we haf the Holy Spirit to help us in our times of unbelief. All we need to cry out to Him, and he will hear us.

    'Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.' [Matt 13:45-46]

    God is good. Beloved, let us focus our affections on Jesus, and he will take care of the affliction.
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 12:27 pm

Thursday, April 20, 2006 || +Commitment+

    Hur hurz... sch's reopened.
    Thank God b4 sch reopened on Mon, thr was Easter svc., and was very blessed by the sermon. One quote in particular kept going through my head: thr's a difference between juz knowing abt God, and knowing God. Wat a challenge dat is to us Christians, who simply juz go abt proclaiming our faith, but dun live the life God has commanded us to - wholeheartedly. One thing comes to mind as well, dat merely following God in part does not make the cut, in God's eyes. My recent devotions on 1 & 2 Kings haf proven why.
    Now God promised to keep the family of David in generations to come. However, realized that the kings that subsequently succeeded his throne were given this main emphasis: 'And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, yet not like his father David.' Such descriptions were given to the various kings that followed, all except Hezekiah and Josiah, whom 'did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the Lord had commanded Moses.' These two exceptional rulers had one of the longest reigns in Judah, such as was King David. If God is the same ytd, today and forever, how much more can we expect of Him today if we live a life of wholehearted obedience to His Word! Morevoer, we haf the grace of Jesus to enable to walk in righteousness!
    God is good.
    Ok... so first day of sch was gd and bad. Gd start, bad finish. Had a Web Design class in the morning which was a breeze, and ended the day w/ a night class on Authoring, which had a lecturer that was kinda unprofessional in his teaching i.e. every few mins he has to let off a vulgarity. Left the campus grounds rather offended, although it was easier to be more attentive to him since he kept runnin' his mouth in that manner. Anyway, most of the classes for this wk were cancelled, so thus far, the pressure ain't on yet.
    Thankfully, thr was laptop sales on campus recently, and managed to register for a Fugitsu E series b4 the promo ended 2day. Hehez, I dun haf to wrestle w/ my sis for the desktop anymore!
    Speaking abt my sis... she oso juz purchased a new HP[Sony Ericsson W800i]! Manz, she juz loves to compete w/ me... Lol.
    Hahaz. More and more new things are coming my way. I'm praying hard dat this new sch sem. wun steal away the time I wanna spend w/ God on a daily basis.
    Hopefully, I can make more new frens as well, since I'm in a new module grp.
    Many other things happened as well. Managed to fellowship w/ Josh, whom I haven't met up in a long, and went shopping w/ my sis for her bf's gift, of which most of the time I was complaining to her. Hahaz.
    In the spring of things, let us not forget the gdness of God upon our lives!
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 11:35 am

Saturday, April 15, 2006 || ~GroWinG~GloRiouS~PainS~

    I'm referring to the pain dat comes when you're trying to get spirtually strong.
    I dun see myself as spirtually strong yet, cuz thr's many more things I haf yet to comprehend i.e. loving God passionately, separating myself from the world etc. No matter wat, God has been faithful. 'Blessed are those who thrist and hunger for righteousness, for they shall be filled.' [Matthew 5:6]
    I dunnoe why I said dat, but I guess it's becuz of having been faced w/ a set of humbling experiences over the course of this wk, which has much to do when I was spending time w/ God and how He dealt w/ me, probably to prepare me for the soon-to-reopen sch sem. and many more challenges dat haf yet to come.
    I hope the prev. post has blessed ya'll. The enemy's truly rising up w/ everything in hell to put us believers into flight, but PTL, we haf Jesus as our deliverer; A God man, in which no evil spirit or Devil is any match for!
    Highlights of the wk: AGM cum Prayer Meeting. I FINALLY COULD VOTE! Hahaz. Anw, every1 wld probably concur w/ Pastor Lim's decision [except one lil' grandson of his named Joseph, as I've learnt during the meeting], so ain't nuthin' big of a deal. Yeah... it was kinda corny to see everybody raise up all their hands @ the same time at the unction of Pastor Lim. Well, all in the name of company voting.
    Thurs, went night-jogging w/ Walt. Got dropped w/ some hard news: Charlotte's been barred from attending church activities on Wed and Sun. Walt's mum has been doin her best to keep Walt himself from spending time in church, wats more, he claims S. A. Tan has been messing around w/ his head. So kinda led him in prayer after the run. He didn't seem too upbeat, but I'm praying for the best outcome in Jesus' Name!
    Thank God for Good Friday, whr we can be reminded of the death of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Really, really powerful worship thr was manz, although the sermon did lil' to minister to me @ least, but I muz say dat Pastor Marion really loves the Lord through the way she delivered her msg, 'The Greatest Sacrifice'. Headed down to AMK later, w/ my parents, to purchase a new mobile phone, and got convinced to get a D510c. However, if u asked, I was pretty upset in the sense I got a discount through some unscrupulous method of which I was oblivious to despite the discussion I had w/ the store owner. So I kinda got punished by my dad when I got home, by paying more than then the agreed half-price of the phone [my dad paid the other 1/2], to my dad. Yet another humbling lesson for me concerning 'why I should be more alert to my surroundings', as my folks wld quip.
    Haiz. Kinda tired, though 2day Rounders was postponed due to the threatening weather.
    But I Thank God for His grace and mercy through His son Jesus Christ, for which w/o it, we wld all probably haf been struck down dead ages ago. God is love. I'm reminded of one of Rev. Carter Conlon's [Sr. Pastor of Times Square Church] sermons, 'Becoming Familiar With the Presence of God'. In it, he mentioned that if he were God, he would haf juz taken the the whole world and juz haf blown it up into space, beginning all over again. It would be the same if any1 of us were Him. As mentioned, God is love, so much so dat instead of destroying the human race, He sent His only begotten son, to be die for us, becuz only through His sinless life, could we be reconciled to God. God could haf stopped it, and thus in other wds, God killed His own Son out of His own accord. The Law states: 'Thou shall not murder.' Then how could God execute such a unjustified sentence on His son who Himslef is pure and blameless? Beloved, God is above the Law! Rev. Conlon described it as if having put your hand into an ant's nest, and all the ants start biting you. However, instead of killing those ants, you kill your own son, but the meaning's still deeper than dat.
    Praise the Lord.
    None of us can focus on God or holiness[we've been made to grow in Christ-likeness] 100% of the time.
    Grace works, Amen?
    'Lord, Your love is so amazing, so divine, it would be unrealistic even to jot all of it's qualities into the books of the world. It is a love so great, dat no man can fathom. O' Lord, let us not juz rmb Your love juz on Good Friday, or juz on Easter Sunday, but daily we'll come b4 Your presence, and stand b4 You in awe and reverence of Your unfailing kindness. Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess dat You are Lord, King of Kings, Lord of Lords! Let us not strive in our own flesh to achieve wat You haf called us to be, but to haf confidence in the Holy Spirit to become more like You, Jesus. For we glory not in the flesh, but if we walk by the Spirit, we shall live by the Spirit, and glory in Jesus forevermore! In the most glorious name of Jesus Christ, I pray... Amen!'
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 10:37 pm

Thursday, April 13, 2006 || ||...The GREAT Business of S. A. Tan...||

    Dun mind me... but this ain't another sermon from Charles G. Finney.
    It's lieu of a multitude of things that has happened recently, and, specifically after hearing of wat a gd fren of mine has been gng through, and although I feel like speaking my mind out on other things, I feel this has to be more crucially addressed at this time. It's a scheme from the deepest pits of Hell, and it has been striking down many Christians through the ages.

    Wat exactly is S. A. Tan's GREAT buisness? It definitely ain't selling you insurance. Well, basically, it's to get you, as a child of God [the grp which I'm addressing], down! He executes this in 3 ways.
    1. First, he is going to come like a FLOOD [Isaiah 59:19]. That's rite, he's gonna rain down a flurry of problems on you; a flood of inquity will pour out onto you. It will be evermore so when you're advancing spiritually in God! He sees you as a potential danger in his plans, cuz once you rise up, he noes u're gonna win souls regardless of the cost, which means less pple following him into the Lake of Fire, dat is, Mr. Tan's finally resting place. Such will be his hatred dat it will drive him to do all in his power to destroy you - physically, mentally, and spiritually as well.
    2. Next, he'll tempt you to qn. God [or to put Him to the test]. Rmb, the same thing happened to Jesus, after he came out of the desert, exhausted; having spent 40 days and nights fasting thr [Matt 4:1-11]. It's the same: after the enemy exhausts you, he'll lead you along, to a pt. whr you will start blaming God for your problems and sufferings. He'll, cause you to think you've 'laboured in vain', as expressed by Jesus in Isaiah 49:4. He'll make you think dats it's been useless having trusted in God for so long, and after all the effort and prayer has come to naught.
    3. If you dun counter the 1st two, your mind's gonna be opened only to Mr. Tan - and only Mr. Tan. Sin comes in w/ full force, and it's gonna destroy you completely, or even worse, lead you to death. Contemplating suicide is the most common poison He plants in people thereafter; a lethal poison dat will take effect overtime, sometimes so subtly dat pple arnd you wun even noe you've been inflicted as such.

    Beloved, thr's a whole treasure of remedies in the Bible dat can lift the siege of the Devil over your life. All you need is juz haf faith in His Word. 3 ways to counter back.
    1. '46Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? 47I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. 48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.' [Luke 6:46-49]. The remedy to the first assault of the enemy is to constantly read His Word, and thereafter, put it into practice. This is probably the first, and strongest, line of defense. No wonder Paul mentioned: ' so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.' [Romans 10:17]. James further elaborates: 'Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.' [James 2:17]. Peepz, this is the way to go if you wanna resist S. A. Tan's treachery. If you haven't been living out the infallible Word of God, or even reading it, it's time to get serious!
    2. Ok now, so you've hit the second action plan on Mr. Tan's list [dat is tempting you to qn. God]. How do you reverse it? Take a look @ the same portion of the Scripture in which Jesus got tempted. Mr. Tan tempted him all he could, but Jesus kept rebuking w/ only one thing: the infallible Word of God! When the Devil had knocked you down to this stage, the ony thing you can lean on is this, and the promises it holds. However, unlike in the Old Testament, we as modern Christ-ians haf Jesus to lean on as well. The Messiah himself said: ' Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' [Matthew 11:28]. Rmb, as well,'therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.' [James 4:7].
    3. Counter to the 3rd action plan of S. A. Tan is to consult an authority of God i.e. pastors, ministers, leaders, spiritual counsellors etc. 'For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.' [Ephesians 5:8]. Do not keep mum abt your suffering, but bring it out to a God-given authority, and do it in private if it's really necessary.

    Thr you haf it. It really all comes down on how much trust you're gonna put in God's Word. Will you learn to let go and let God?
    Let's go!
    '14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.' [Philippians 2:14-16]
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 6:38 pm

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 || `...MAD...RUSH...`

    Juz finsed my module registration, and boy was it crazy. I was nervous cuz I misunderstood course codes, and would've got kinda messed up if not for Walter's help. Once again, thnx for the help bro'.
    It's only 1 more wk left till sch reopens. Hols have been so short, and I've hardly gotten any real rest for obvious reasons. Really thank God, though, for His faithfulness in His will being done in terms of aiding me in my module registration [although some time slots kinda suck], and for putting me in the focus track I desired. Results haf a slight improvement from prev. semester, of which my parents were quite satisfied [though I believe they always wish I could've done better]. Hahaz.
    G.P.A: 2.885. Compared to last sem's 2.769, I guess thr's a frequency jerk on the line-charts for me.
    Josh has been feeling kinda lost lately, so he decided to treat me and Walt to Sizzlers today for the sake of fellowship. Guess he was feeling rich as well, LOL. God bless you, my bro'! We headed 1st to NYP [for Josh to find his lecturer, who evetually we found out was M.I.A.], then dwn to the retuaraunt branch @ Toa Payoh, since it would oso be on the way to the optics shop whr I had to adjust my new spectacles. Thr was gd news as well: I can finally get a new phone! My 21 mths had been expired, so I kinda lost my former HP coincidentially [not accidentally, mind you] after all. Wootz! So we took to sourcing out @ various telecom shops, but only a few were able to offer gd prices. Hopefully, my dad will be willing to get me a gd phone though.
    I promise to take gd care of my HP this time round... PROMISE! >_<" Smtimes I juz wish God could've made a day longer, like 25/30 hrs. Time sure flies.
    And I'll be flying to cloud 9 now. Tata.
    Peace out & G...B...Zzzz...zzz...

Tohster was left alone on 1:47 am

Sunday, April 09, 2006 || **=From Image to Image``From Glory to Glory=**

    Praise the Lord.
    I really Thank God for the friends I haf. Not that they're thr trying to scratch my ears, but I think the encouragement I've received has been simply overwhelming.
    Josh, Dixon, Wei Sheng, Jovin, Midori, Jia Min, Wen Yi, Xin Di... May the Lord richly bless ya'll!
    Recent Thursday was Pastor Lim's birthday dinner, and boy was it a dinner. PTL, @ least I've gotten the assurance dat I've been made rite w/ the pastors. And Pastor Lim... hahaz... gave me such a tight hug, I almost choked. Lolz. Thank God for the reconciliation!
    Fri day was the umpteenth time I've watched 'The Cross and The Switchblade'. Hahaz. I wun mind reciting some of the lines mentioned in the movie for u, if u ask me. Yepz... powerful, ministering as ever b4. PTL!
    I've been reading John Wesley's classic sermons from a book I've bought not too long ago, 'The Holy Spirit & Power'. Truly, Wesley is a righteous dat smithe me! Maybe some time soon I'll be posting some of his sermons here. Wat caught my attention recently was a topic he titled, 'The New Birth'. It speaks of how water baptism, sanctification and fufilment of Godly duties does not equate to the new birth. Wanna noe why? Hahaz. You'll haf to wait for me to post it up then keke...
    Glory be to God.
    I've really learnt to stand in awe of God more than ever b4, and He has never been so real to me until now. Even juz now, in my own prayer room, I could really sense His majesty through the Holy Spirit, and was travailing all over. Hahaz... I think Josh wld term this as being 'burnt' by the Holy Ghost. In any case, I've made a commitment to God:

    Peepz, If my living and worship does not draw people to God, or spur u on to greater Godly jealousy, please let me know! It musn't even draw pple to exalt me!

    I don't wanna go on in holiness and righteousness if it ain't gonna cause pple to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, or cause Christians to 'march towards perfection'[Hebrews 6:1]. For this cause, I pray dat the Holy Spirit will lead me and guide me in His will, and through as many bros' and sis' in Christ as possible. Peepz, I pray dat it will be your heart-beat as well: to walk in holy living as Christ has called us to, and drawing men unto Jesus Himself, the true Saviour of the world. O Lord, may our walk speak loud, and our words be true!
    '13 You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.
    14 You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.' [Matthew 5:13-16]

    Not forgetting wat a wonderful combined service we had today, which was held in honour of Pastor Lim's 60th Birthday.
    Happy B'day to Pastor Lim! May the Lord's richest blessings be upon you!
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 10:13 pm

Wednesday, April 05, 2006 || \\I Can Finally Breathe A Lil'//

    Ok... so last night I had to attend prayer meeting becuz Pastor Dale wanted to advise me once more.
    I didn't know our actions during a counselling session Josh and I had w/ Pastor Lim actually caused him to be so grieved, which sparked off his actions on Sunday. Moreover, it was juz a week b4 his 60th b'day. O manz...
    In any case, I believe both sides should have reason to relent.
    I've really seen another side of my group of frens in recent days, much due to the this matter actually exploding out of hand. Some haf adopted a more aggressive stance, while others are simply stumbled or confused. Peepz, juz to let you noe I'm trying to absorb as much impact this thing has on me as far as God allows me to. After all, He wun put me through anything I cannot take. I stand upon that promise.
    Thr's reason to exonerate all here. Juz wanna tell ya'll dat no matter whoever was/is in the wrong, we shld all move on from here. Like what Paul said: '13Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 14I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.' [Philippians 3:13-14]
    Bros' and sis' in Christ, let's not allow past, present, or even speculated hurts stop us from running this race! The author of Hebrews himself expressed these same sentiments of Jesus Christ: '1Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.' [Hebrews 12:1-2]
    Let's lift up the name of Jesus, and cut the Devil down
    "Oh Jesus, how foolish I was to haf allowed this to go so far. All the spiritual things haf led to a sudden downfall, and even to a pt. the grp of us almost went cultic! God forgive me for being such a disobedient child, for doing so many things out of my own flesh. I thank you for your grace Jesus, for using so many figures of authority and friends to expose this in time, and for yanking me back to reality time and again. O Lord, help my unbelief, my blindness to sin, and my ignorance to the many warnings that haf fallen on my deaf ears. Holy Spirit strengthen me, as you pick me up from the ruins once again. May You comfort those who need to be conforted, and wipe away the tears of those who cry out to you. In the mighty Name of Jesus, may Devil's mountain be destroyed! Let the name of the Lord God Almighty be lifted up once again! In Jesus' most wonderful name I pray... Amen!"

    'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.' [Romans 8:1]

    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 12:12 am

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 || !TrEaSoN!

    I think every1's pretty exhausted, physically, mentally, spiritually.
    However, if matters need to be clarified, we cannot sweep things under the carpet.
    IF I haf stumbled some1 along the way, I will make sure the injustice I've done is corrected. I will not avoid the matter altogether.
    Everybody... I seriously wanna move on, but I'm not gng to do it @ the cost of others being left behind, hurt and condemned. Moreover, we run this race together. Pple, may we haf the discernment to see dat S.A. Tan is behind all these! Let us be deal w/ this situation as Christians shld. And lemme be v. frank here... every1 of us, including me, are in the wrong.
    I appeal to all of u w/ Galatians 6:1-5.
    'Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load.'
    Let's all trust God to take us through this. God is still good no matter wat.

    Weather's been pretty bad these past few days, and ytd when I went out to meet up w/ the peepz, it rained thunder cats n' dogs! So much for my umbrella, which proved defective in the torential rain, and was drenched from head to toe once I reached my destination. Then again, the monsoon season gives me even more reason to slp more, but prob is my neighbour's dog has been barking more often the usual thnx to the gloomy weather. Hahaz.
    If I'm not wrong, the last time I experienced such a powerful thunderstorm was 2 yrs back in sec. 4, when Bartley Secondary (then @ Macpherson Rd.), flooded, much due to the bad drainage, and my frens and I got 'capsized' @ the bus stop after trudging through water up to knee-length. FYI, we all thought that was totally cool. Thnx to a newspaper photographer who caught us standing on the bus stop seats to avoid the water, our backs actually appeared on The New Paper (the newspaper which I strongly detest) the nxt day. My class made such a big hoo-ha over the entire incident the nxt day. Well, so much for schooling in a gangster school.
    May we all ask God to calm the storms in our lives at this pt. of time. With Christ in the vessel, truly we can smile at the storm!
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 1:28 pm

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10




[+]Thanks for visiting

[+]Goodbye. So Long. For Now.

[+]My |)/-\ys Ar3 NuMb3r3d

[+]M|X3D Em0t10ns

[+]N0t3 T0 S3lf..

[+]Food 4 Thought

[+]Sam has been...

[+]/-\u R3\/0|R [For nao...]

[+]A|\|6RY 63R|\/|3N |<1|)

[+]R3|)3F|N|NG [Typed Under The Influence of a Cold...]


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