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Thursday, September 23, 2004 || If Love Hurtz

    Here's something veri interesting I saw in friendster:

    Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing
    and is
    your voice caught within your chest??
    -It isn't love, it's LIKE.

    You can't keep your eyes or hands off of her.
    -It isn't love, it's LUST.

    Are you proud, and eager to show her off??
    -It isn't love, it's LUCK.

    Do you want her because you know she's
    -It isn't love, it's LONELINESS.

    Are you with her because it's what everyone
    -It isn't love, it'S LOYALTY.

    Are you with her because she kissed you, or
    held your hand?
    -It isn't love, it's LOW CONFIDENCE.

    Do you stay for her confessions of love,
    you don't want to hurt her?
    -It isn't love, it's PITY.

    Do you belong to her because the sight of her
    makes your heart skip a beat??
    -It isn't love, it's INFATUATION.

    Do you pardon her faults because you care
    -It isn't love, it's FRIENDSHIP.

    Do you tell her every day she is the only one
    think of?
    -It isn't love, it's a LIE.

    Are you willing to give up all of your favorite
    for her sake?
    -It isn't love, it's CHARITY.

    Does your heart ache and breaks when she's
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do you cry for her pain, even when she's
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do her eyes see your true heart, and touch
    soul so deeply it hurts?
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do you stay because a
    mix of pain and relation pulls you close and
    you to her?
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do you accept her faults because it's a part of
    who she is?
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Are you attracted to others, but stay with her
    faithfully without regret??
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Would you give her your heart, your life, your
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Now, if love is painful, and tortures us so, why
    we love?
    Why is it all we search for in life?
    This pain, this agony?
    Why is it all we long for?
    This torture, this powerful death of self?
    The answer is so simple cause it's...LOVE.

    "The greatest weakness of humans is their
    hesitancy to tell others how much they love
    while they're still alive."

    If you love someone... tell them now b4 its too late, k? My *Prelims* are gettin on fine. Todae's Hist paper... not so fine. SCi rocked and hoping to get an A1 for dat.... juz hope my other subz DUN SCREW! EEK! Peace Out and GB!!!

Tohster was left alone on 2:47 pm

Monday, September 20, 2004 || Ultimate^Purpose?

    Boy am I *desperate* now. My English paper today sucked... well @ least for paper 2. You noe how EASY essays are to write, and how tough comprehensions can be. Goodness, I wrote crap for me summary. Now's all in God's hands. I'm starting to get that God doesn't wan mi in #3-Months JC#, but lets talk abt sumthing I learnt on Sunday(yesterday).
    Its abt God's purpose in the end ultimately. And ULTIMATELY, all things will haf to submit to his plan for us.
    Good msg for someone who seems to be screwing up his *Prelims* so far LOL. Seriously, as long as we serve him, his purpose will ultimately be seen '@ the end of the Tunnel'. Critics, you hear mi?! U will haf to submit to God's plan for my life. *For In GOD, I haf Victory*
    Hahaz, I not so BAD la. All things work out for GOOD. So wateva trials I'm put through now, it is for the better. Only God noes wat it will be for nxt time. ;)
    Tml's e-Maths paper... WAH!!! The paper I sux most IN. God will be wit mi... and Sherry, dun wry... mi pray for u again k? (Sherry's my Fren, nothing more than that, dun misunderstand).
    Gambatte YO!!! Peace out & GB!!!

Tohster was left alone on 2:36 pm

Friday, September 17, 2004 || ~Way To Go--->

    Manz... its juz the starting of The *Prelims* and I'm screwing things up.So much for my SS paper. Some1 should cut the ^SBQ's^ cuz they are not really my type of qns. Hahaz sounds selfish... well... I'm SUPPOSE to be good @ paperz with essayz. Actually, this means I'm 0nli Good @ SEQs. LOL. Well, I gotta blame myself for being too complacent. In any case, if its God's will to not allow mi to *3-Months* JC... well then so be it. God's will matters the most. There's still way to go in any case.... Its Juz Begun...
    Ok... so today was mi MT paper. Quite easy thou for a guy who hates and *slaCkZ* @ Chinese. Hehe... juz let it out. Anywayz, I'll most likely be getting a D7 again (yeah I haf freakin' low hopes you say). @ least nxt wkz mi Eng paper... time to #SCORE# w/ Gods help of course. I can nvr forget my Maker. Haha... still remember abt serving him UNCONDITIONALLY though. Even if I dun do well this time rnd, I shan't blame God. He Gives, He Takes. But he will nvr put His servants through anything they cannot take. If going for #O's# is a Trial, surely I can take it. He shown mi countless times.
    And God, As I do my best, Lord You will do da the REST.
    Praise the Lord. Onto Sc. Practical tml!!! Cya Peepz... and GB.

Tohster was left alone on 3:36 pm

Wednesday, September 15, 2004 || The Plan

    Well blow me down... TML's MY 1st Prelim paper. Thnk God I'm done wit mi studying... dats why making time to do up this post today. Well, unfortunately for me, the school ain't giving *1/2 day*. Its lessons as usual. Of course, @ least my maths intensive lessons (for e-maths no-brainers like mi) are cancelled. I've to say dat my maths' improving though (although I dun deserve it cuz I'm so slack @ it). Hey hey JS, dun be sad ok? ^God will pull u thru one^. He honours those dat honour him first.
    God certainly won't fail mi tml. I've worked hard. God also honours hardwork... not depending on how you define it (now dats something worrying, but I trust dat I've done all I can). Now's raining. Luks like tonite's gonna be good for slping. It better be, cuz I've been slping way to late in the past 4 dayz (between 1.00 - 2.00 a.m.). U say *no big deal*... but trust mi... slping early does you more good than studying late into the nite... if U didn't slack in your rev.
    I'm not a spoilt brat mind you.
    Dats why I went to school today all *zombified* if there's such a word lol. Today got tested on physics essayz, and basically studied SS during free periods of lessons. You can imagine how lousy I look rite now even as I hit the keys.
    At least i think I'll get 14 pts for my prelims... with God's mercy of course. Chinese is way beyond my grasp for now so I'm juz slacking for it. Banging on my humans' and maths liaoz`(Sweatdrop). Speaking abt humanz, itz recapping time for my SS tml. Peace out & GB(God Bless).

Tohster was left alone on 4:53 pm

Sunday, September 12, 2004 || Serving Unconditionally... Prelims Cometh.

    As if the *Prelims* aren't taking a toll on my poor lil'-o-body.
    Sometimes you'll have to wonder whether God allows you to reap what you sow, reminiscing on my dismal performance @ Chinese O's (I worked too DAMN HARD to get a D7). Sounds pathetic, but today's church message really puts dat aside.~God puts our Blessings to DA #Test#~. So He does put me through a test. Never will God put his servants, no matter how unworthy his cre8tions are unto Him, thru sumthing they could never get thru. As a young child with Godly parents, that was something I learnt all too well. Still, God has pulled me thorugh the tough times. P4 streaming, PSLE... the challenges get bigger. This time, God truly is testing my faith in Him... I feel the pressure. However, today's sharing tells of a Shunamite woman in the Bible (2 Kings 4) who served God unconditionally, yet found true joy, despite being childless, given false hope of a child whom she bore and later died, but risen from the dead by Elisha, Elijah's disciple. Never once did her faith stutter. She still served unquestioningly. Sometimes we must not ask God *why*... but * wat* he wants for us next. Today's sermon has given mi strength. For fellow Christians out there, never lose faith in the Lord, for He may be testing you thru a trial. He may even test your most precious of Blessings He has given you... juz to draw you back to him. But wateva it is... dun give up on the Lord for He never fails.
    Hahaz, sounds like a whole lot of a sermon from me today. Not becuz its *SAbbath* (day of the Lord, Sunday) today, but this msg has surely given mi encouragement to face the day tml. Manz, juz can't help thinking of the *Prelims* that's on this Thurs. SS comes first. Thnk God its my best SUB... WOOHOO!!! God's moving. Well, gtg studying now. For all those taking O's this yr., remeber this phrase: "You reap wateva you Sow". Work hard, there's no short cut. For the *Chrsitians* do read 2 Kings 4 *The Shunamite Woman*. True hapiness comes from Serving God unconditionally.
    ... ...
    I shan't elaborate any further lest you get BORED by my BLOG anymore. Not much happened today. I went to church though ;). (Do intro blog professionals...plzzzz)

Tohster was left alone on 8:45 pm

Friday, September 10, 2004 || New Blog

    Yoz all. Obviously, as you can see, this is a new blog. I was intending to call it a labyrinth but it sounded too *chim* (gosh, for the sake of my frenz). Anywayz, juz got caught up in the blog craze recently. Seems to me the craze is dying down but not the pple. Lol. Hope you take a look @ my profile. That will give you some *insights* b4 i blabber about my ~~life~~ here and in the F-U-T-U-R-E. Oh btw... for those reading this blog... if ouy do noe anyone ANYone who can edit my blog into a nice skin(unlike this o-biang one) PLZZZ Intro. Read my profile and check for mi email.
    Ok, today's ain't anything special. Actually, it is!!!
    Ok, so today i dun get to go to sch. unlike in the past few dayz though its suppose 2 be a hol week. Well, i'm from BSS( as sch which i prefer not to mention by name), a school which... well... baiscally... SUX!!! Imagine if I had to elaborate on the advantages... it'll be zero, Zilch, Nil. NUTTA!!! Anyway, can't blame em'. Its juz mi sucky results for mi PSLE. Time to move on now. So for the rest of this day gonna revise through mi work to prep for *PReLimz*(some of you sec 4z goin thru this rite now). Hopefully can go HOF(Hearts On Fire, my church youth service) 2day. Talk about commitment. I'm not regular there. Hopefully, I"LL STILL BE ABLE TO GO FOR THE HOF YOUTH CAMP. Plzzz pray for mi abt this. I'm doin mi best to save up now, which exp. the use of coupons when i eat outside nowadayz. Cheap-skate...maybe. Well dats all for today. Plzz read mi profile and get to noe more abt mi this wk. Its not an order, dun worry.

Tohster was left alone on 3:28 am

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10




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