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Thursday, April 23, 2009 || A|\|6RY 63R|\/|3N |<1|)

    So here's the story on Facebook [a quiz which I did]:

    "People you want on your side in a bar fight. by Samuel -
    Chuck Norris, Jim Raynor,
    Angry German Kid, Kamen Rider DIEND and The Demoman (TF2) ."

    People have been asking me: "Who is the Angry German Kid?" Well, quite honestly, if you haven't heard of him, u muz haf been living under a really big rock.
    Sadly, he has been misunderstood by the world...

    More info:
    'Angry German Kid (a.k.a. Der echte Gangster, Slikk or Leopold) is a talented actor of age 15 from Bergisches Land, Germany. He plays a character, Der echte Gangster, a parody of a wannabe gangster. This fact has often been misunderstood, and as a result he has been subject to bullying both on- and offline (e.g. school). For this very reason, he stopped making videos for almost a year in 2006.

    From his blog: -
    I am not mad (translated):
    "I am not sick or mad, I only have a sense of humor not everyone immediately understands. In addition, I have acting talent. I can do something so real that many think it is real. For this reason I will be insulted by many and hated. The aim of my videos or movies is to entertain people, not provoke. Nobody should take my short videos on the Internet seriously - they are merely for entertainment. No matter what people think or say, I am a very normal boy with acting talent."
    - N. K. (aka "Slikk" or "Der echte Gangster")

    This video was made as a response to some German politicians attempting to restrict access to violent video games. He was trying to show how they view gamers. Very amusing and intelligent. Too bad most people missed the point.

    "Journalists" from Focus TV (Germany) used this as an example of an internet addict, claiming the kid to have been secretly taped by his father and to be undergoing therapy in addiction clinic. Naturally, this was not what "Leopold" understood to have agreed on when he gave approval for airing it on TV.'

    So thr you have it. The Angry German Kid isn't that angry after all. So stop dissing him, world.

    Peace out & GB.

    P.S. Juz so you noe, I'm not him...

Tohster was left alone on 9:29 pm

Saturday, April 18, 2009 || R3|)3F|N|NG [Typed Under The Influence of a Cold...]

    So I've revamped by blog a little. New music, new tagbox. I'm glad to say, still the same person who has learned juz a bit more from life.

    Life: wat to say? I was really discouraged when I woke up yesterday morning. I juz had this awful sense of having missed the mark. Thank God His presence never fails. Guess it was a test of whether I'm really living out wat I teach; whether I believe that His presence really is the answer to my prayers.

    Speaking about changes, I was so blessed to by a dear buddy just now. True... it's indeed God's blessing dat we live to see the changes the new charge is making in EFC. Time for us to make those adjustments as well. The message at HOF today was fitting: we must relate to our modern culture yet still retain our identity as a church. I dunnoe abt you, but it's a gr8 challenge to me to really rethink how I reach out to my contacts, and by God's grace, I'm starting to connect with them as well. Whether it is through LAN gaming or school, I find myself relating to some of them more than I expected, though I can't discount the fact some of them give me a lot of headaches as well [some of you know wat I'm talking abt]. Still, thank God a new dawn is coming upon our church; a new chapter is unfolding.

    Gosh I feel so much better after saying all these. My Darth Vader maquette's lightsaber was broken off by me by accident! My dad was like: "God's speaking to you to throw it away..."
    I'm like: ".........."

    Putting dat aside, I've found a few new releases to my fav. Christian groups. Guess I've been browsing Youtube a little too much these days - *blehh*. First off, my man, tobyMac. This one's a kinda soft...

    This Beautiful Republic, fast becoming my fav. as well. This one blew my speakers into oblivion, so note that.

    Ok, I need to recover from this awful cold I'm suffering from right now. Till next time...

    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 12:36 am

Saturday, April 11, 2009 || |3@C|<: W1T|-| 25% M0@R 1337


    Oh the irony! While I jump start my blog again, today we remember what Jesus did for us 2000 years ago on the cross. So I have more than one reason to celebrate.

    So what has gone down lately?
    - Graduated from Digital Media Design [Animation] course and had a uber-memorable grad. show.
    - Got an iMac for my 21st birthday from my parents [they gave me a choice of either that OR a party, and I made the most practical decision. *sniggers*]
    - Preparing for enlistment [which is a lot easier to say than to act upon...]
    - Signed up for driving [basic theory]... FINALLY!
    - Either practicing my drawing, Maya skills, TF2 skills [lol], or simply gaze into the horizon and ponder my next move...

    Well actually more like rotting in my room.
    I've approached Gerald from our church music team to see if he has any openings for a freelance job catering to my line of work, and so I patiently wait.

    In other news...
    Today was awesome! Probably the best Good Friday I had in a long time. Contacts came for service, and though the message was a bit hard to swallow for them, I managed to click well with them and get their questions sorted out. So it was a mix of new faces, plus some old ones whom I haven't seen in a while. So yeah... a change IS coming.

    To top it all off, I caught The Fast & Furious with ma' homies today, and I have a renewed appreciation for 10-second cars. It was hilarious how we went all geek while waiting for the movie, and even while travelling there. AND I'VE FOUND A NEW KAMEN RIDER CONNOISSEUR IN JEFF'S FREN, GERALD! Cower in fear haters or be rider-kicked into oblivion!

    OK Sam, behave...

    Seriously, we talked about everything 1337 under the sun, from SF4 to KOF [lol, forgive my acronyms] to Gundams, and we were making notes on how we reek of fanboyism. Haha... it's good to go 10-year-old once in a while, even when we hit the arcade to play SF4. And Jeff... I WANT REMATCH!!!
    Post-movie activity was visiting Yong Jie's mum at the Carrefour, followed by some shopping at NUM [for Ming Hui's sake], and then some Left 4 Dead [which is my first time playing, and probably won't in a long time] before I'm home here blogging and absolutely drained.

    I'm basically soaking in all the fun these days. It was a far-cry from what I was doing about 3 months back, rushing projects and having late nights [tho' the latter hasn't really changed :P]. No doubt it was an adrenaline rush, but I guess I need a breather. What worries me these days is NS, and the wait can be painful sometimes, cuz' I juz simply wanna get it done and over with. I've heard more than my fair share of stories about the happenings in there and wat not. Given, I noe a little more about the pitfalls to avoid in camp, which gives me a some leeway for my blur-ness, of which there is no room for such in that environment. PTP awaits...

    Life: you'll never know what you've got till it's gone. Thankfully, the invitation to "National Chalet" is still pending. In the meantime, I can look fwd to my European vacation and Evangel Family Camp later on.

    Till next time, I leave you with one of the many things to come in the world of gaming...

    Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers FTW!
    For what it's worth, tho', it's Blizzard's annual April Fool's Joke, your keep your squealing till the game testers stop playing skate-scooter jousting and get down to releasing it for real.

    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 12:04 am

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10




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[+]/-\u R3\/0|R [For nao...]

[+]A|\|6RY 63R|\/|3N |<1|)

[+]R3|)3F|N|NG [Typed Under The Influence of a Cold...]


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