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Thursday, September 23, 2004 || If Love Hurtz

    Here's something veri interesting I saw in friendster:

    Are your palms sweaty, is your heart racing
    and is
    your voice caught within your chest??
    -It isn't love, it's LIKE.

    You can't keep your eyes or hands off of her.
    -It isn't love, it's LUST.

    Are you proud, and eager to show her off??
    -It isn't love, it's LUCK.

    Do you want her because you know she's
    -It isn't love, it's LONELINESS.

    Are you with her because it's what everyone
    -It isn't love, it'S LOYALTY.

    Are you with her because she kissed you, or
    held your hand?
    -It isn't love, it's LOW CONFIDENCE.

    Do you stay for her confessions of love,
    you don't want to hurt her?
    -It isn't love, it's PITY.

    Do you belong to her because the sight of her
    makes your heart skip a beat??
    -It isn't love, it's INFATUATION.

    Do you pardon her faults because you care
    -It isn't love, it's FRIENDSHIP.

    Do you tell her every day she is the only one
    think of?
    -It isn't love, it's a LIE.

    Are you willing to give up all of your favorite
    for her sake?
    -It isn't love, it's CHARITY.

    Does your heart ache and breaks when she's
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do you cry for her pain, even when she's
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do her eyes see your true heart, and touch
    soul so deeply it hurts?
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do you stay because a
    mix of pain and relation pulls you close and
    you to her?
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Do you accept her faults because it's a part of
    who she is?
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Are you attracted to others, but stay with her
    faithfully without regret??
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Would you give her your heart, your life, your
    -Then it's LOVE.

    Now, if love is painful, and tortures us so, why
    we love?
    Why is it all we search for in life?
    This pain, this agony?
    Why is it all we long for?
    This torture, this powerful death of self?
    The answer is so simple cause it's...LOVE.

    "The greatest weakness of humans is their
    hesitancy to tell others how much they love
    while they're still alive."

    If you love someone... tell them now b4 its too late, k? My *Prelims* are gettin on fine. Todae's Hist paper... not so fine. SCi rocked and hoping to get an A1 for dat.... juz hope my other subz DUN SCREW! EEK! Peace Out and GB!!!

Tohster was left alone on 2:47 pm

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10





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