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Saturday, December 17, 2005 || Entering>>The>>Promised>>?Rest?

    8 more days to Christmas... and oso to my long awaited term break... FINALLY!
    Thank God for the tenacity to @ least pull through, thus far, in this course. I used to psycho myself dat I'll nvr get into any fine arts course - ever... but isn't God's plan juz ridiculous?!
    The recent G12 meeting saw a drop back to 8 memebers in attendance, which caused some concern between me and Devon. Certification sometimes seems so near, yet sometimes so far away. So we resolved to get together, one day, to start praying for our G12. I believe dats the only way we're ever gonna see consistency, because in general, most of them are unable to commit due to circumstances i.e. work, persecutions etc. However, frankly speaking, I'd rather allow spiritual maturity to take root among our current base members 1st b4 we get certified. No use gettin' certified if our members' hearts are not planted in the good soil of the Word of God, but Praise God, they are growing v. strongly in Christ individually, in different ways. Some are praying more, some are commiting themselves to God's work in a greater measure... many examples. Yeah, I still desire certification... and I pray dat God will stir their hearts (and mine too), at the same time, toward greater Godly jealousy.
    Thursday was another long day in sch, but a fruitful one. E.T.(a.k.a Eric Tan, my Typo. module lecturer) came into class as if he had woken up on the wrong side fo the bed, so everybody was kinda shaken when he stormed in. Worse part was dat he was suppose to critique our thmubnails for the 2nd assignment, and its not a very assuring sight when u juz see him sit @ the teacher's desk w/ a black face, juz waiting for someone to 'agitate' him so to speak. PTL, God kinda reminded me dat we shld not fear any man, so, along w/ a few others, I approached him... and slowly, one by one, my classmates' designs got rejected, and rejected... AND rejected (u'll nvr noe wat its like to haf to redo work until u're a design student)... until it came to my turn. He pretty much interrogated me to the very pt. whr I was unable to answer him, but thankfully, God gave me wisdom. After the entire thing, I ended up convincing him instead how my designs actually work, and, by God's grace,I was probably the only person dat day to take an early leave for home. However, I arrived home only to recall dat much work has to be done in this comin wk, which kinda caused me to relent on dat victory. But still... PTL once again. My classamtes eventually managed to get the green light too, and Thank God it wasn't as bad as they expected.
    I was pretty annoyed, ytd, by the fact dat my sis actually skipped HOF even when I reminded her abt it b4 she went down to SAJC @ 4 p.m. to appeal for her entry into its JSA. It turned out ytd's attendance @ HOF, for Region A, was, strangely, super dismal. A lot of pple didn't make it (but PTL thr were many new ones... and Vincent made it), and the catch was dat ytd's msg was definitely for the pple! Truely the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few!
    Ok... so after reflecting on all these incidents, I've come to question if this is really the season to be jolly. God's ans to dat qn. of mine: 'why not u restore unto others the joy of thy salvation?' Dat prompted me to recall Rev. Ron Bueno's sermon on smth abt findin' joy in soul-winning. Yes, we can truely enjoy this holiday season, but we muz not forget the greatest joy in sharing to others the greatest gift God gave to mankind, Jesus Christ. May God grant us the propensity and boldness to win souls this Christmas! May we put our hands to the plough and find joy in doin' it.
    It'll be drama rehersal for RC later 2day. I've been casted as my dad's jr., a role which shld be no prob gettin' into, as the saying goes, 'like Father, like son' (and my mum keeps pokin' fun the similar traits of 'blurness' we haf whenever I mention dat. So much for heredity). Everyone was like jking arnd w/ me abt my dad's sermon on 'choping and intergrity' ytd. Anyway, I probably haf to revert back to dat nerd hairstyle again, something which I haf nvr tried for aeons alrdy. More imptly, pray for God's guidance and Spirit to lead us 2day, to really get all of us into dat 80's character.
    'Dear Jesus, this season is not juz abt havin' fun, shopping, exchanging presents and all dat Christmas high we get into annually. Its abt the love, Jesus Christ, heaven gave dat v. night so dat salvation can be assured unto all mankind. Restore unto every believer the joy of thy salvation, and revive us in soul-winning, for the harvest is plentiful this season, but the workers are few. Help us to put our hand to the plough, not looking back, but fulfilling Ur hearts desire for souls to know You and wat the true meaning of Christmas is. Help us to find joy in it as we go forth, and Holy Spirit lead us I pray. If any1 of us is stoned against the cry of the wilderness, soften our hearts, dat we may see the world through Your eyes once again. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.'
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 9:47 am

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10




[+]-!!Give Us Boldness!!-

[+]**Thanksgiving** - To God be the Glory


[+]Remember¿?to¿? Remember

[+][Jeremy Camp] - I'll Take You Back


[+][Casting Crowns] - Praise You In This Storm

[+]//Before I Go


[+]`World Through<(o)>Your Eyes`


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