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Sunday, December 25, 2005 || **~*~>[Merry Christmas]<~*~**:Happy B'day - JESUS!!

    By the time I fins writing this post, it'd probably be the 2nd day of Christmas.
    ANYHOO... Merry Christmas to one and all... and of course to J-E-S-U-S(more imptly).
    I'll make this quick by listing out juz a few events which haf blessed my heart these past few days.
    Ok most of them were my church events
    Deck The Halls: I never anticipated myself actually gettin' involved in this, but thnx to our RC rehersal being held @ the DTH location, Pastor Alan kinda got us involved in the whole event by assigning us to a last ditch effort to bring children in. Thnk God we managed to get a few last-min contacts, and were treated to a heart-warming performance by the TKK peepz. Really brings back memories of the times when I was in TKK and we did those Christmas mini-skits to bless the children. Anyway, Josh and I later got obsessed playing w/ a plastic baby, used to improvise baby Jesus, which was kinda sick. A failed attempt to act younger again. Hahaz, but PTL for the wonderful event.
    Home Christmas: This was the probably the 1st, and hopefully, the last time, I played Bom Bi Bi w/ peepz such as Wei Hoong and Wei Sheng. Thnk God for the 16 souls in attendance, which was only made possible by God's grace; and Thnk God for the wonderful msg on 'Even Wise Men Seek Jesus'; a msg which I Thnk God for empowering me to share, esp. w/ Wen Yi's and Devon's young cousins being present. Probably one of my God-given weaknesses is havin' this inability to relate to children well enough, but isn't God's strength made perfect in weakness? Hahaz, it was definitely made v. clear to me this nite. Later, we were treated to much fd, of which we were unable to fins and we decided to play the Mid-No. Game of which whoever guessed the no. set by a particular person wld haf to eat wateva leftovers we told them to eat. Wei Hoong had most of the portions intially, and I had no forfeit (Muahahaha... Thnkfully). Then they switched to the Bom Bi Bi game, a game which they thought cld catch me off guard for a forfeit. Eventually, I managed to escape time and again (I nvr expected myself to haf such sharp reflexes), until Wei Hoong and Wei Sheng, the 2 pros, came along to sit beside me. Dats when the forfeits for myself started, and evetually, I went back w/ a tummy ache despite the nxt day being a sch day for me. But, on the whole, it was a blessed evening seeing so many pple in the house.
    Fri: The Day - Retro Christmas 2: The Sequel. The day whr every1 wld come dressed in 80's ugly fashion... and we did see loads of it. From pop icons of the 80's to denim wear(which was dat of my G12) to Dynasty... we saw it all dat nite. The most LOL part, for me, was probably the MTVs, whr we finally got to see the finsed product of our hardwork, and all the other Region's corny flicks. Although we didn't win, I noe for sure we did glorify the name of God. Hallejuah! Once again, Thnx loads to those who took part in the MTV; for your sweat and effort and everything else ya'll haf sacrificed. God richly bless ya'll.
    OK so the most trying part of the nite, for me, was yet to come. I had to act in my Region's mini-drama as my dad evangelising to this couple. Wat uped the lvl of difficulty was the presence of my parents being thr dat v. evening. Hahaz. Well, thnk God everything went smoothly, and mistakes were corrected by improvision on-the-spot, which wasn't very obvious to the judges. And yes... I did pull of my dad's impersonation, and I anticipated wat wld come nxt. Yes, after the mini-drama, every1 was like callin' me by my dad's name, of which I shall not reveal here. (As if my 'Pas-Tors' stint wasn't bad enough). At least my dad's legacy will carry on becuz of me... Hahaz. Really Thnk God for such a wonderful nite, and after the event, Devon and I expressed rather similar sentiments: 'I'm juz DYING to be normal again...' Buay tahan xia.
    Christmas on Sunday(Today): Thnk God for the v. anointed speical nos. and Word of God preached forth w/ such conviction by Pastor Marion on the 'Purpose of Your Life'. Really spoke to me abt entering the New Year w/ a new focus. I muz say dat after being exposed to the ministry this yr. and many other Godly commitments, its definitely time for preparation to kickstart the New Year on an entirely fresh spiritual note, and I hope it'll be the same desire for my bros' and sis' in Christ as well. Thnk God for the wonderful presents from my frens and there're probably too many to mention here... so God bless ya'll richly in return. I'll be shopping for more presents tmr, since I didn't make time for any during the past wk.
    "Glory be to God in the Highest, for the Saviour, Jesus Christ, who came to redeem all man this v. day. For God, You so loved the world that You gave Your only begotten son to die on the cross for our sins, so dat every person can find fulfilment in life, and life more abundantly, in You. Help us not to forget, as we close this year, the faitfulness dat You've shown us throughout this yr. Even during the times when we were unfaithful, God, you've nvr once forsaken us, and I Thnk You for Your love dat NOTHING in this world can ever separate us from it. Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour, may this day not be the only day we give thanks to you, but everyday, may we remember the greatest gift you gave to mankind - yourself as the Saviour of the world, who built a kingdom, not by dictatorship, nor by power, but by love. Use us to continue to build this kingdom through the many out thr who need to noe you. Help us not to procrastinate anymore, but to start taking this Kingdom by force as you've comisssoned us to. We are reminded how privillaged we are in this part of the world to haf peace and stability, while we watched helplessly as nations arnd were struck by Your swift judgement. Lord, haf mercy on your ppl! God, help us to be more propelled to win souls to You as we are reminded once again how unexpected your wrath upon this sin-cursed world will be in days to come.
    I Thnk You, Jesus. God help me to shine the name of Jesus more than ever come this New Year, and w/ more intensity and focus, I pray. In Jesus' most Glorious, Precious, and Wondeful Name... Amen."
    Happy B'day to JESUS!

Tohster was left alone on 11:35 pm

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10





[+]-!!Give Us Boldness!!-

[+]**Thanksgiving** - To God be the Glory


[+]Remember¿?to¿? Remember

[+][Jeremy Camp] - I'll Take You Back


[+][Casting Crowns] - Praise You In This Storm

[+]//Before I Go



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