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Saturday, January 07, 2006 || **Thanksgiving** - That's my DAD

    6th January - Dad's B'day. Happy Belated one 2day!
    They say like: "Like father like son."
    As I grow older ea. day, I nvr fail to see how God is making me not only more Christ-like, but oso more like my dad in many ways.
    Similar Trait no. 1: The relaxed nature my dad and I haf come to deal w/ certain matters. For one, I've nvr been more sarcastic towards pple b4 until recent times. My dad himself has this penchant for running his mouth on entirely sartirical note whenever he gets out of formality. He can let loose if he juz wants to. I think its juz a God-given character, esp. when he brings this into teaching his cell lessons... and its proven to be effective (but he's always reminded not to get out of hand). We've nvr come to an agreement more often than now; w/ him opening up more to my personal, spiritual opinions, and giving me much more freedom. Yeah, @ least he realizes I'm gng on to 18 alrdy.
    Similar Trait no.2: We share a liking for certain foods.
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    (The above is juz an exaggeration.)
    Similar Trait no.3: We love the lady in our lives.
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    My mum dat is. Hahaz. I'm very encouraged by the fact dat my dad, after 26 yrs. of marriage to my mum, is still ever so commited to her. An omen of things (for me) to come? If I ever get married in the first place dat is.
    Similar Trait no.4: Strict in discipline. The very reason why I've been raised up under the fear of the Lord. Nevertheless, he always reminds me he had spared me from the rod more often than he did to my sis'. Which is maybe why I'm more prone to do stupid things. Although I dun really take after him in this area, I haf reason to believe in the very near future, I may. After all, I used to be known for being overly serious.
    Similar Trait no.5: We love God.
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    Similar Trait no.6: We love the subject on history.
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    Above all, I love my dad... and my DAD LOVES ME.
    Rock on!
    Thank you for: your patience in building me up; for the times when you chastened me cuz it made me a better person; for the hardwork u've put into ur career so dat u can support the family and my education; and most of all, for loving me despite my shortcomings and rebellious attitude, smtimes, towards ur advice.
    "Thank You God for such a wonderful family, and placing such a wonderful guy as the head of the household. Its not cliche when I tell You that You've blessed me w/ the world's greatest dad; one that acknowledges You as the ultimate head of the household. May U bless and preserve my dad for many more yrs. to come for the commitment, sacrifice, and dedication he has shown to caring for us and for serving you wholeheartedly for alrdy, close to, 50 years. Times are gettin' more stressful for him, and I pray U'll keep Him in Ur mercy. As He upholds himself daily in prayer, may U grant Him the peace that passes all understanding as U've promised in Philippians 4:6. May he continue to find favour in Ur eyes, and I pray he that he'll dwell in Ur house forever. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen."
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 11:17 am

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10





[+]...A Wk's Retirement...

[+]**~*~>[Merry Christmas]<~*~**:Happy B'day - JESUS!!


[+]-!!Give Us Boldness!!-

[+]**Thanksgiving** - To God be the Glory


[+]Remember¿?to¿? Remember

[+][Jeremy Camp] - I'll Take You Back



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