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Saturday, February 11, 2006 || [Charmaine] - Acceptable//[Todd Smith] - So Much Greater

    Two songs dat haf really ministered to me tonite while listening to Christian radio.
    Charmaine - Acceptable

    Oh Lord, my God

    My Strength, My Redeemer
    King of kings and Lord of lords
    Hear my voice don’t turn away
    Oh Lord I pray
    Let the words of my mouth
    And the things of my heart
    Be Acceptable, Acceptable

    Let the words of my mouth
    And the things of my heart
    Be Acceptable, Acceptable to You

    Lord I want to know Your ways
    Show me the path that I must take
    Oh God I pray
    Cleanse my soul and make me new
    Lord I want to live for You
    In all that I do

    Todd Smith - So Much Greater

    You won't find freedom living in the rules
    Walking around in dead man's bones.
    You lead the choir,
    but are you singing to yourself?

    Feel the fire in your heart.
    (It's all inside you.)
    Feel the mercy in your soul.
    (It will lead to)
    A life that's so much greater,
    (step outside yourself)
    A life that's so much greater.

    You're quick to judge the world
    when something's wrong
    But there's no justice in your life.
    You lay the blame, but will you lay it on the line?


    It's all inside you, and if you needed to
    Just step outside, just step outside
    Just step outside yourself.

    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 1:04 am

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10





[+]URGENT!: (Read This for Clarification)


[+]Blessing§ to Burden§


[+]**Thanksgiving** - That's my DAD


[+]...A Wk's Retirement...

[+]**~*~>[Merry Christmas]<~*~**:Happy B'day - JESUS!!



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