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Thursday, March 02, 2006 || The GREAT Business of Life - ParT TwO.

    Juz wanna mention dat if u're visiting my blog, and esp. if u're a Christian, I really encourage u to read this topic. It's hard teaching, but if you say u truly love Jesus, this is sound doctrine, and endure it u must. Hope it blesses ya'll.
    By Charles G. Finney
    Edited for the modern reader by L.G. Parkhurst, Jr./ Paraphrased by Samuel Toh.

    "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33

    God's Kingdom must be sought NOW!

    The present is the only sure time that we have; therefore, we ought now to make this our immediate and first concern. The Bible always says now, "Today, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts" (Hebrews 4:7). You may die, or if you do not die, you may be given up of the Holy Spirit!

    Every moment's delay increases your sins, increases the hardness of your heart, and the probability that you will be lost. If you continue to reject the great salvation that is offered, you may soon come into such a state that the truth will cease to affect your minds and hearts at all; your conscience will become "seared as with a hot iron," and your words will constantly be, whenever the truth is spoken, "When I have a more convenient season I will call for thee." It is almost certain that that season will never come!

    Procrastination is a great evil. Perhaps more souls have been lost by this form of iniquity than by any other. The devil is constantly suggesting reasons for delay. The ordinary policy of Satan is not to try to make infidels of you: he suggests that the present is not the time to attend to your souls--remember that if you listen to his suggestions, you may be LOST and are almost sure to be.

    Unrepentant persons, and even religious persons, are con- stantly in danger from the fact that they are not feeling the unspeakable necessity of a present and solemn earnestness in seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness. With respect to those who CLAIM to be CHRISTIANS, unless you make the kingdom of God the great business of your life, YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF STUMBLING THOSE AROUND YOU, and misleading them in the most effectual manner. You are saying by your works, "There is no need to make this the great and solemn business of your life. There is no necessity to be particularly anxious about your soul."

    I suppose you intend sometime to make this the most serious business of your life. Let it, then, be your first business from this time forth, or you may LOSE YOUR SOUL.

    I have known many cases where people have come to see clearly that they were likely to lose their souls unless they began immediately to obey God by seeking His kingdom first. In revivals of religion, I have seen many instances where persons have come to feel that if they procrastinated any further they must lose their souls and have resolved that nothing should hinder them, that nothing should engross their attention or stand in the way of giving their whole mind up to attend to it. I could tell multitudes of facts where people became conscious of this, when the providence of God aroused them from their sleepy state and arrested their attention. In such cases, they have made up their minds that nothing should, by any means, stand in their way--nothing should by any means be allowed to hinder them from making faith in Jesus Christ the great business of life. I shall mention one fact.

    A lawyer, a man of large business in his profession, had been awakened in a revival. He went to his office, and when he reached his office, some individuals, to whom he had promised his assistance, called upon important business. "Gentlemen," said he, "I cannot attend to your business now, I must first attend to my soul. I have neglected this business so long already that if I allow myself to neglect it any longer, I shall lose my soul to all eternity. Will you excuse me for the present, or get someone else to attend to your business?" They left the office and took the papers with them. He stayed alone in the office, resolving that he would not leave till he had given his heart to God. And the fact is he did give his heart to God and found peace.

    My dear reader, what an awful game you have been playing with yourself, if you have been neglecting the business which God sent you into this world to attend to. He made it your great, solemn, and only business.

    Have you neglected it?

    The care of your soul is your ONLY business, to which all other things are only helps. And are you attending to this great business, or are you neglecting it and thus on the road to ruin? (Maybe some of you are alrdy finished, and DUN EVEN KNOW IT). God is speaking to you by His Word, by His Spirit, and by His ministers, saying, "SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUS-NESS" This is the errand upon which God has sent you into the world, and have you allowed yourself to neglect it? Did your Father commit a soul to you, and tell you to take care of it? And are you running about thinking of everything(i.e. stuides, CCA, career, shopping, Disneyland etc.) but taking care of it and by so doing DISOBEYING your Father and ruining yourselves?


    For a person to act thus on any other subject, he would be pronounced insane. And it is moral insanity which makes people neglect the business of their eternal salvation: it is madness in the heart. Suppose a man should neglect the most important part of his worldly business, the neglect of which would ruin all his worldly prospects, why everybody would say he was insane. Who can doubt this? Now, what higher evidence can a person give of insanity if he admits his guilt and danger in words and yet systematically neglects to save himself from ruin by his actions? If a person should deny the whole matter and say there was no truth in the statement, "that he is in danger by his neglect," what higher evidence could he give of being insane? LET ANYONE TELL HIM, HONESTLY, IF HE CAN!

Tohster was left alone on 2:49 pm

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10





[+]||...The GREAT Business of Life...|| - ParT oNe



[+]+'Epistolic' Faith+

[+]---^mY VaLenTInE^---

[+][Charmaine] - Acceptable//[Todd Smith] - So Much G...


[+]URGENT!: (Read This for Clarification)



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