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Monday, September 14, 2009 || Goodbye. So Long. For Now.

    Yep, ok. I'll make this short.

    In than 9 hours I'll be enlisting into National Chalet. Yep. It's finally here.
    Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and kind [albeit, semi-sarcastic] words. Will be seeing you guys v. soon.
    I think it's gonna be a good time to think my life over, dats if I haf any energy left at the end of the day to say the least. TBH, I'll be leaving behind many memorable moments, and at the same time, many painful memories. Time will heal all wounds I guess. NS is probably gonna take my mind off all the needless worries and really juz knock me out. If you're reading this, keep yours truly in prayer. I'm melancholic, but life goes on. B'sides, everyone's been telling me how much fun it really is when you haf the right mindset.

    Ok, It's lights out for me. One last moment with my bed, and, alas, it's go time.

    "Training to be soldier, fight for our land.. Once in our life, two years of our time..."

    Peace out & GB.

    P.S. I'm diggin' the new hairstyle. Bad hair days BEGONE! xD

Tohster was left alone on 1:10 am

Friday, September 11, 2009 || My |)/-\ys Ar3 NuMb3r3d

    So fast... and it's 3 more days left. With every passing day, the ticking on the clock gets louder, and I'm finding it harder to sleep. Hah... might even perish the thought of sleeping on the eve of enlistment.

    As mentioned b4, it's flurry of mixed emotions. I LOL whenever I hear the word "flurry". Reminds me of that time when the aunty at McDonald's pronounced it as 'Mak-Fla-li' [McFlurry]..
    Going off track there.
    I'm really grateful to everyone who's encouraged me as of late, esp. my parents. Yep, that includes my dad who's been through the ancient days of NS. Now those stories of the gd ol' days of "chiong sua" become so much more applicable. Haha!
    Then again, those were old times. He keeps reminding me NS is so much better now, and that includes the lodging. Well... that's comforting, considering that I'm going to miss my queen-sized mattress for the first 2 weeks. Arrgggghhh!

    Speaking about missing things, I'm soooo going to miss my YCG. Haha. We had a rather... uhm... unqiue W Party on Wednesday. First time I ever had a party in relative darkness, thanks to Town Council not fixing the lamp at the shelter where we BBQ'd at. My feelings got cheated again! And the pictures taken exactly of stellar quality. We looked as if we were having an illegal gathering, HAH! Nontheless, the guests really enjoyed themselves. We finally had the biggest attendance yet, thanks to the many unexpected guests who came along. Many thanks to Pastor Alan for lending us a helping hand as well. You must consider that with only 3 regulars around, we were seriously understaffed. Thank God everything went well, even the Kung Fu Panda screening [a movie which I think is a little too underrated].

    I dun feel like sleeping. I want to extend my time here in my own abode! Yeah... denial ain't only a river in Egypt. Really... I wish I had more time to spare. For friends. For family.

    They say: "you never know what you've got till it's gone."
    How true...

    Peace out and GB.

Tohster was left alone on 12:49 am

Tuesday, September 08, 2009 || M|X3D Em0t10ns

    Lol... if you were confused by my last post, I apologize very much. It's not easy to decipher when one speaks in 3rd person. Haha. Call it whatever you want. Sometimes expressing yourself in that manner gets much needed anxiety off your chest - at least for me.

    It's down to 6 more days. I'm really going to miss a lot of people. You really never know what you've got till it's gone. The time and opportunities you never cherished are snatched away in an instant. 6 days will seem like a walk in the park compared to the next 2 years. I'm counting on it to change me.

    Yeah, people tell me I'm a kid stuck in a young man's body. No one makes that more clear than my sis. Seriously, I might start appreciating those words after a few days in Tekong. Everyone says PTP makes life easier for you during BMT. Guess God has a purpose for everything, though I still haf that wanting to stay out juz a while longer. Haiz...

    The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

    I'm really grateful to a close brother and confidant. Though he may not be reading this, juz wanna give a shout out. You know who are *hyuk hyuk*. Yeah... he shared with me a lot of spiritual truths as of late, which really set me reflecting about my own life and the circumstances around it. Life hasn't been a whole lot fair to me as of late. Maybe becuz I'm so free these days to the point where I juz get myself into a lot of unnecessary trouble. I thank God for such friends in my life. We should never take them for granted. Dun wait till it's NS [or for something terrible to happen] - it'll be too late then.

    Sounds like I'm writing a chain letter or something. HAH!

    Life alone at home everyday can swing both ways. That could explain why one moment I can be extremely high, and the in the next moment become really anal about stuffs. Tried occupying my time with Maya and gesture drawing, but I'm too used to working under pressure. No pressure = no intestinal fortitude. Lol. I can forsee dat my weekends will eventually be spent trying to catch up, which brings me to ponder on my future; more specifically, where should I further my studies..

    Guess that's what the 2 years are for; supposing I get a slack unit life. I hope...

    I'll shall continue updating this space till my days in urban Singapore are numbered. I might consider shutting this blog down once for all then. The idea of sharing your feelings on the WWW does not entice me as much as it used to. We'll see where this leads up to.

    Music video time again~!
    This is a cute one from m-flo [extremely popular rap group in Japan] and Monkey Majik [a gaijin band based in Japan]. Enjoy!

    Blogger finally loves me again!
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 12:24 am

Wednesday, September 02, 2009 || N0t3 T0 S3lf..

    Hey you! YEAH, I'm talking to you. Like... dude, sup with you man?
    To say you've been behaving awkwardly would be an understatement. I mean... seriously man, it can't be that bad rite?

    It's juz another phase that every male in Singapore has to go thru. It's gonna be fine. Really...

    Yeah, stop ranting about your mixed emotions and all that. Your brain is cluttered enough as it is. So don't worry k?...

    ... like, you've rising up early, watching too much of them ol' Ch. 8 dramas, walking into the wrong elevators, drawing gestures for an hour or more, waxing lyrical about being home alone, freaking people out...

    ... this is not the Sam I know.

    The Sam I noe eats alone, watches WAAAAAAAYYY too much Kamen Rider, does 3D Modelling for kicks, and NEVER wakes up early unless he has relief teaching and assignments to grind for..

    ... YEAH! Not to mention you've been spamming people on MSN. U'd rather be spamming bullets on TF2... at least, that's wat you usually do when you've got free time on your hands.

    Really, this makes the instance of you talking to the wanton in your noodle soup PALE in comparison.


    Given the choice, who wouldn't wanna pull out? If there's anything to look forward to, it's of you becoming more of a man and less of the, well, nonsensical, half-wit self dat you are rite now. OK, you're not a half-wit... you're juz REALLY insensitive. You deserve to shed more than juz a tear for wat you did!

    Ok, I wun bash ur pride in any further. Juz look to God, k? I dun understand much of wat u're going thru as well. All I know is that... you juz need to trust Him.

    Those that wait upon the Lord shall rise up on eagle's wings, aite?

    I know, easier said than done; but there's no other way, is there? He's the only One who holds your future. And... you've got your parents, your sister, your frens. Cherish them in this next 1.5 weeks, but don't make it sound like IT'S THE END OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!

    ...kk, chill. I'm not going to say any more.

    Jehovah Jireh... remember that!

    If God brings you to it, He WILL bring you through it.





    Peace out & GB.

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Tohster was left alone on 10:38 pm

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10




[+]Thanks for visiting

[+]Goodbye. So Long. For Now.

[+]My |)/-\ys Ar3 NuMb3r3d

[+]M|X3D Em0t10ns

[+]N0t3 T0 S3lf..

[+]Food 4 Thought

[+]Sam has been...

[+]/-\u R3\/0|R [For nao...]

[+]A|\|6RY 63R|\/|3N |<1|)

[+]R3|)3F|N|NG [Typed Under The Influence of a Cold...]


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