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Monday, February 27, 2006 || --cricket-post--

    It's 2.05 a.m. in the morning alrdy... and wha... o yeah...
    I was busily creating a CD-cover using Maya 7 juz a while ago, now chowing down on some fruit crunch. So much for a nite-snack.
    Hopefully my parents r sound aslp @ this pt... hehz.
    Ok 2day's svc didn't really haf a sermon behind it, but it was kinda like a presentation from JECPP(Jireh Evangel Church Planting in Philippines) pple to encourage us for missions once again. Yeah, some feel it's a nag, but how necessary it is to be constantly reminded abt it. Isn't God our Heavenly Father after all? And fathers do nag. Hahaz. It's great to see though wat an amazing work God has done through our church (I was greatly challenged by the testimony of the empty jail cells of Rev. Rosemarie), and all glory be to God; and I'm sure Pastor Lim's very grateful abt it, since he has sacrificed so much to God so as to see this explosion of evagelism throughout the land, despite much social unrest stirring in the country.
    PTL! 500 churches by 2010!
    Seriously, it's time to get my butt off the laurels and start doin' some serious outreach. Dwindling attendance of the G12 ever since the day several of the members backslided has really gotten on my nerves. I'm believing Devon's contacts, Alnin, Junlong, and Xi Quan will be able to make it this Wed, esp. since I'm gng to start fasting much longer from tmr onwards.
    Ok, I musn't give in to my flesh, but 2day was really, physically exhausting for me as I had to do so many things and neglected seeking the face of God. Hope ya'll haf read the recent post, and I myself am greatly challenged. Dun keep looking @ me like some self-righteous guy. I nail it hard, but I'm still human and I'm prone to falls. It's God who nvr fails to pick me up time and again when dat happens.
    Thank God for the speedy recovery of Hwee Min who's now back on her feet (no pun intended). Pls continue to pray for my aunty, Jennifer's(my cousin, dat is) mum, dat her colon cancer will really be healed completely and dat the Holy Spirit will really minister to her to accept Christ.
    Juz fins my cereal, and last song of the day's Heaven by Salvador... yeah, u noe... the song that keeps askin: "How far is heaven?" Gosh!
    I'm really juz gibberishing - if thr's such a term.
    Off the internet radio... off to shower... off to prayer closet (none other than my bedroom)... off to cloud 9.
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 2:07 am

Saturday, February 25, 2006 || ||...The GREAT Business of Life...|| - ParT oNe

    By Charles G. Finney
    Edited for the modern reader by L.G. Parkhurst, Jr. Paraphrased by Samuel Toh.

    "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" - Matthew 6:33.


    What does the Kingdom of God and His righteousness mean? I remark first that this kingdom is not an outward and visible kingdom. As Jesus said, the true kingdom of God "cometh not with observation" (Luke 17:20). It is a spiritual kingdom set up in the hearts of His people. It consists in the establishment of His own dominion in their hearts. "The kingdom of God is within you," but this kingdom is expressed on earth by an outward and visible Church (Luke 17:21). Yet, the kingdom here intended is not a visible church, but an internal and spiritual kingdom.

    By "the righteousness of God," we understand these two things: first, the method by which He pardons and justifies us, and second, the way in which He makes us personally holy. Faith in Jesus Christ is God's method of justifying us and bringing us into a state of acceptance with himself. Faith in Jesus Christ is God's method of making us personally holy. Faith in Jesus Christ works by love; and this faith, by its very nature, puri- fies the heart.

    The injunction "seek ye first" means at least three things. First, seeking God's kingdom and righteousness must be our first business in point of time: we must allow nothing else to take precedence before it. Second, we must regard nothing as of greater importance, or of equal importance, than seeking God's kingdom. Third, "seek ye first" implies that Christianity is to be the great business of our future life. The Christian faith is always to be considered as of the first importance to be attended to, and to be the first concern of life.

    God's Kingdom Must Be Sought First

    Until we seek first God's kingdom and His righteousness, nothing else we do can be acceptable to God. As long as we neglect this great salvation, as long as we have not secured our justification by faith in Christ, as long as we are not interest- ed in the kingdom of God by actually embracing it and receiving its laws into our heart, we can do nothing acceptable to God. Until we have done this, we cannot fulfill any requirement of God and He cannot accept anything else we do--for "whatever is not of faith is sin" (Romans 14:23). Whatever does not imply faith in us is sin; therefore, if we neglect salvation in Christ as of primary importance, nothing that we do can be acceptable to God.

    People may have all the outward forms of morality and goodness, but if they have neglected the kingdom of God and His righteousness, whatever else they do, God will not accept them. He will not and cannot accept us if we are putting last what He has put first, and that first which He has put last.

    If we secure an interest in the kingdom of God, if we become subjects of His government, whatever else we fail to secure is unimportant. Whatever else we fail to secure we shall hardly regret in the future. But if we do not secure this, whatever else we secure will only increase our responsibility and our guilt. People ought to understand this: nothing is of any real importance to us unless it is connected with God's kingdom, and shall enable us to obey more effectually His command.

    Now, if we regard anything as more important than our relationship with God in His kingdom, we entirely pervert things. God's kingdom is most important to ourselves and to our families; most important to all who stand in any relation to us and have any claims upon us. The real and best interests of his family require that he should pay his first and chief attention to this great re- quirement of God. By neglecting to put Christ first and make Christian faith his first duty, who can tell how much the family may have to suffer from his negligence? Putting God's kingdom first is most important to a person's creditors. If a man owes me money, and that man tries to obey and please God, I have reason to believe that he will be enabled to pay me sooner than if he did not regard the commands of God at all. Therefore, even if I were a selfish man, I should say to my debtor, "Whatever else you do, don't neglect to obey God--don't neglect your duty to Him." Putting God's righteousness first is important to our neighbors, friends, connections, the world at large, the Church of God, and all with whom we are surrounded. Who can doubt this? No person can doubt it, who believes in the reality of the Christian faith!

    It is extremely dangerous to neglect this business and concern. It is more dangerous to neglect this than anything else. Why, suppose we did neglect everything else, what then? Why, it would be an evil in some sense, but, in comparison, it would be no evil at all. Who does not believe that it is infi- nitely dangerous for a man to neglect his eternal salvation? And if he does not assign this the first place, he may never attend to it at all. He is in danger every moment of dying or being given up by the Spirit of Christ! Suppose he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul, of what value would the whole world be to him? All other dangers are as nothing in comparison with this! If we will neglect the kingdom of God and His righteousness, we must inevitably lose our souls. "How shall we escape," says the apostle, "if we neglect so great salvation?" (Hebrews 2:3). Let them be good wives, good husbands, good parents, good children, good citizens, say prayers, go to meeting, and give money to send the Gospel to the heathen. Let them do anything else in the world but what God requires as of first importance, and they are sure to lose their souls.

    People make a great mistake on this subject, or else the Bible is not true. They make a great mistake on this subject, or else our own natures contradict us. Our own natures affirm that sin is an evil from which we ought to escape; and the Bible tells us to run for our lives, to "so run that ye may obtain," to "so fight that ye may obtain," to "gird up your loins,".

    Sadly, The great mass of those who claim to be Christians are not making this the great business of their lives! It seems as if they attended to it just enough to entertain a hope that they shall be saved, but they never attend to it in such a sense as to manifest much solemn earnestness about it. The fact is, such people know nothing at all of Jesus Christ, and the natural result will be that they will lose their souls! They never get rid of their sins, they never become sanctified, and they are not fit for heaven. Really, many persons seem to suppose that they can live in sin till death, and then all at once they will become sanctified and prepared for heaven. Now, we never read in the Bible that, death will sanctify us or that we will go to heaven if we are not sanctified in this world by the renewing of the Holy Spirit through our belief in the Gospel! Many who claim to have gospel faith, "the kingdom of God and His righteousness," understand it very little. They regard the righteousness of God as imputed(bestowed), not imparted(worked for), righteousness. They imagine that somehow or other the righteousness of Christ can be accounted to them without their being personally holy. God's government has no dominion over them! How, then, do they expect to get to heaven? What can they understand by the kingdom of God and His righteous- ness; which they are required to make it the business of their lives to seek?

    Nothing is to take prece- dence over this. When one said to Jesus, "Let me first go and bury my father," he said to him, "Let the dead bury their dead" (Matthew 8:22). Your own father, and the duties you owe to him in that relation, must not stand in the way of your seeking eternal life.

    "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteous- ness:" NOTHING should be allowed to have precedence over this.


    Peace out & GB. (Hope it wasn't too wordy for ya'll).

Tohster was left alone on 5:30 pm

    I juz managed to upload a DC Talk music video (which was featured last nite @ HOF) despite the great stress dat's upon me to fins my animation for SP2!
    I was half expecting lots of stress comin' from dat direction, but more of the hot soup actually came from the fact dat this wk posed many setbacks in the spiritual life for many of my Christian bros' and sis'. The attack of the enemy is upon us for sure.
    Hweemin's sudden relapse of a age old injury (pls pray for her); Wei Hoong backsliden... again; Charlotte's poor results; the folly of many who want to pls their flesh but return stricken down in many ways.
    Devon, Josh and I haf nvr been so broken b4 @ the sight of such torment, which was why the Lord, impressed upon my heart subtly on Tuesday, to actually head dwn to prayer w/ Devon @ Aunty Candy's place. I wasn't intending to go, but somehow he was all alone to pray dat late afternoon! I was quite astounded - God actually lead me thr to pray w/ him!
    Nevertheless, we've decided to fight the gd fight. Frankly speaking, I dun care how many Christians are trying to pls their flesh, time and again, and r indulging more and more of the world. All I can do is warn them. Jesus ain't gng to wait until u're not on a vacation, not playin' video games, not watching TV etc. to return. He says he's gng to come like a thief! So while all others can juz do wat they want, I'm gng to seek God like nvr b4, if it's the only thing I do.
    Bros' and sis' in Christ, if u're not hated strongly by the world in one way or another, smth is terribly wrong. They will hate us, becuz they hated Jesus 1st, and hung him on the cross w/o remorse!
    Rmb... frenship w/ the world is enemity w/ God.
    I feel a great urgency to post this following sermon up, and it will be in prts as I do my various posts throughout the month w/ bite-sized chunks so I can really get the msg across. Btw, really thank Devon for this timely msg, as it applies to me as well, esp. w/ all dat the enemy's coming like a flood. Hope it will bless ya'll.
    And SP2 continues...
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 4:29 pm

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 || ‡Cultist‡?

    Honestly speaking, I was too harsh in the previous post.
    My recent hearings of a sermon on cultist pple really got me to reflect if I'm really speaking abt God's righteousness or mine.
    The thing is... I almost crossed the line of discrediting God from His due glory.
    I feel the need to clarify this and ask for ur forgiveness; if any1 has, as a result of this, been truly stumbled, I apologize. Like wat Paul has mentioned in 2 Cor. 13:10, I've been given the authority of building pple up, not tearing them down.
    Pls warn me the nxt time I do approach the edge of the cliff of falling over into being occult myself. If not for God' grace, I'd probably continue rapping in this manner.

    Now whr do I begin?
    Sunday svc was great. World Missions: it doesn't cease until WE cease. Hahaz, that's probably the only pt. I can take home w/ me dat day. I'm glad dat wat our church is doin is fueling mission work in various countries, but Pastor Marion did bring out dat although one day the giving will come to an end, our mission to evangelise and impact is continual. I really think dat in the past few days, the emphasis the church has placed on soul-winning is gd. We not need a revival in dat area. I think it couldn't be expressed any more vivdly like wat our current series, Unashamed, has done, and thank God for Pastor Dale's foresight, and his recent sermon on finding and feeding sheep.
    Reminds me of a scripture Devon pointed out to me last yr. while I was still fresh in ministry: 'The lazy man does not roast his game, but the diligent man prizes his possessions.' (Proverbs 12:27).
    Ytd was the 1st round of Studio Project II, but it's kicked off on a rather slacked note. I discovered smth more threatening than dat. I'm starting to believe the enemy is rising up w/ all hell to combat my faith. Maybe it's God's judgement upon me for being self-righteous? Hahaz. However, as I face spiritual warfare, I'm always reminded of wat James said in James 1:2, dat we shld consider all trials and tribulations as pure joy, as the testing of faith will make us perfect, not lacking in anyth. I oso like to view it as God' preparation for me heavenward.
    My personal devotion ytd for me gave me rhema abt smth God was to impress upon my heart to do, and comes from Judges 1-2. It was after the death of a great leader, Joshua, who lead Israel to drive out all the Canaanites, and the pple of Israel were asked to claim the rest of the land dat were still inhabitated by the remaining pagans. However, they failed to do so, instead forcing some of them into labour as the Israelites grew stronger. God wasn't plsed, having commanded them to drive out ALL of them, and as a result wat Moses warned abt came to pass: they became thorns in the eyes of the Israelites, leading them astray and causing their hearts to turn away from God. They were oppressed for many yrs. to come until the reign of King Saul was inducted.
    Now how many of us are still suppressing our past flesh desires (like the Israelites suppressing the Canaanites through forced labour to them), instead of driving them out completely, as the Lord haf commanded? Let's ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts (dat means mine as well), and check if thr's anyth dat's still left us dat sets God's hand against us, causing us to be oppressed. Some of you may alrdy be experiencing the wrath of God as result of not driving out completely all things dat are evil in his sight dat still reside in your heart, even the slightest of the worldly desires. I noe I haf some. Wateva it is, Let go, Let God, Let's Go! Drive out the Canaanites in ur heart, and ask God for the strength, cuz it was God dat gave Israel the strength to accomplish their many victories over them.
    Hope this post has blessed you.
    "O Lord, search our hearts, and weed out every worldly, fleshly desire dat clings onto it. Help us to drive out every indignation, even the slightest one, out of the land of which u've given us rest - dat's in our hearts. On dat v. day when we've accepted You as our Lord and Saviour, Your peace has since settled in thr. Help us, thus, to do battle w/ the evil dat's in our hearts, so we can truly find the rest of which You've promised us. Prod us in action, and help us not to linger arnd. Even if it's difficult, God we will ask You for strength, and surely when we thirst for righteousness, you will fill us (Matt 5:6)! In Jesus' name I pray... Amen!"
    Studio Project continues w/ it's 2nd day today, and so does fasting (8th Day).
    Peace out GB!

Tohster was left alone on 11:25 am

Saturday, February 18, 2006 || +'Epistolic' Faith+

    I mean it literally. I've to get it off my chest if not day and nite it'll be buggin' me!
    Lemme repent 1st of my sins, even of that 5% which is evil.
    ... ...
    From now on, I'm either gng to be personal or I'm gng to be epistolic (1st Cor 13:10). Why?
    I'll tell u why (my personal reasons)... and may God be a witness to this.
    Through the many times I've tried to turn pple away from their sin, all I get reciprocated w/ is, "I feel stumbled...", "Dun tell me wat to do...", "Wat makes u think U'RE any better...", "Aren't u being too POSSESIVE?" Even when I'm I approach the situation amicably, this is wat I get back. It's a like tight slap in the face sometimes. It's like I've laboured in vain (but I noe my reawrd is w/ God).
    Listen... I've not been called to baptize, but to preach the gospel (1 Cor 1:17). Why shld I let pple who haf heard the gospel more than once hear it over and over again, when thr are pple who haven't even heard it once?! I'm gng to leave the role of sanctification to the Holy Spirit. Then again... how can u get baptised by the Holy Spirit (and I'm speaking to those who are living like He's NEVER comin, and yet keep asking us to pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit to fall upon u... u noe who u are), if ya'll are living like the world lives? Living in apathy toward, and i dare say, in enemnity w/, God (James 4:4)?
    'Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.' (Matt 7:21)
    I love my bros' and sis' in Christ, even if u wanna pursue your FLESH, and feed it constantly. Even if I've to force myself to do it, I will. If I dun haf love, I'm nothing and ya'll shldnt hear me (1 Cor 13:1-3). In fact, u shld close ur browser immediately if u fell wat I'm saying is not of love.
    Btw, I'm saying this out of love, not out of condemnation... cuz some of u see it as the latter.
    I was once @ the place of apathy too, I admit. Even @ dat pt. of time when I was reaching out to Josh, I lived like 1 of the heathen. It was not until I got inducted into ministry, heard of David Wilkerson's 'Great Final Separation', and attended the CGI International conference was I absolutely convicted. God is still convicting, cuz its not as if I nvr sin, but I noe I keep my eyes on the prize which God has called me heavenward in Christ, whether through His chastisement or not... and Thnk God for his chasetisement, becuz He only disciplines those He loves(Prov. 3:12).
    The thing is some of u haf heard the conviction of the Holy Spirit repeatedly to separate urselves, yet u shun.
    I'm a spiritual Nazarithe, and still learning. Yes, I do go crazy @ times, but I keep myself in check, to 'walk circumspectly, not as fools...'(Eph 5:15), like last nite while I was on the MRT (those who were thr shld noe it).
    Btw, thnk ya'll(Josh, Wen Yi, Weisheng, Walter, Charlotte, Dixon, Devon, Aunty Candy and Jenn, Ken, Alan, Karen, Jia Min) so much for the mini-celebration last nite... really appreciate it.
    As such, the nxt time I wanna tell ya'll pple, I will either address it here, or personally face-to-face. I'll try not to address it here, since of of u may start labelling me otherwise.
    I'm 18. Gd ol' 18. I've officially reached my prime, and I hope it'll be gd to glorify God.
    Thnk ya'll for ur presents (once again Josh, Devon, Wen Yi, Jia Min, Jovin, Aunty Candy), greetings, celebrations (i.e. through G12, after HOF, family) etc. I will really rmb this yr's b'day as being one of the best so far.
    5th day of fasting after gorging on so much fd last nite... heh hehz... even after the celebration. God gimme strength. Motivated to fast for: family, ailing aunty, G12, Yishun community.
    Peace out & GB!

Tohster was left alone on 11:43 am

Monday, February 13, 2006 || ---^mY VaLenTInE^---

    Come tmr will be Valentine's Day... and thank God I can spend it w/ some1.
    No, it's not.
    I noe probably thought smthing like, 'yeah this guy's probably one of the few dat's gonna haf a gd time w/ a gd date tmr nite.' I'm talking abt spending time w/ God!
    Yes, Him. Cuz I'm part of the bride of Christ... Hahaz. And He's comin' back soon.
    PTL! God IS love.
    Recent Sat was the SPB finals, and I played like nvr b4. Shouted like nvr b4! Hahaz... but felt dat I could haf performed better. Anyway, I prayed for God' will to be done, and although thr were @ times during the match I bit my nails (it was a close fight), we eventually won. Hallejuah! Blue Marlins did put up a gd fight, I muz say. Three cheers for them! Went home for dinner w/ my family, and decided to head dwn to SSC (as usual). Along the way, Esther felt totally giddy much thanks to her recent recovery from fever and a persisting throat infection. Prayed for her and really asked God to gif me total faith for her healing. I didn't receive dat total faith, but He did heal her (of her giddiness) eventually when dinner was served. Spent time doin' my Storyboarding sketchbk in the cozy library (wat a relaxing time it was), b4 learning my mum had gastric pain, the ones which I used to get. Prayed for healing once again, and when we drove home, again the Lord manifested, and she was healed!
    So many victories in juz one day! Glory be to God foreva & eva!
    I was excited for Sunday's svc, and although the sermon ministered smth abt purpose in the body of Christ, it didn't really speak to me. However, I believe God was reminding me of how ea. and every single one of us ought to play our part in the body of Christ, and MAXIMISE OUR POTENTIAL in serving Him in where He has placed us. Even as church members w/o a ministry, we've all been called to support the church in anyway we can. I really got me down to reviewing how much attention I've payed to my G12 follow up in recent wks. Time to get dwn to communing more w/ my members.
    O, b4 I forget... Wei Hoong's finally returned to Christ! Hahaz. Thank God for the Holy Spirit's conviction upon him in drawing him back. Will continue to work in bringing back other backsliden pple to Hougang 5.
    God gave me some powerful Rhema ytd, after I left for home, while the others went to discuss abt worldliness dat's plaguing our frens. I refered to (in order of how the Spirit led me) Gal 6, 1 Cor 2:14-16, and 2 Cor 13. I think these verses speak a lot abt being a watchman, and why some can be so still so involved in worldly activities despite the frequent warnings to abstain. If you dun understand wat I'm sayin', I encourage ya'll to scrutinize every wd dats in these scriptures, and not juz merely read through em'. Let the Word of God speak for itself.
    Now I noe some of ya'll haf been driven by circumstances, and some even more so after the recent release of the O' Lvl results, and you say u juz can't take it anymore, and fall back into heathen activities. God has not passed you by.
    Carter Conlon - 'Getting to the Other Side of Your Storm'.
    'Lord, I come to you in prayer to ask for your enlightenment on your pple. You grieve when You see Your sons and daughters turn away from You, shun You, and instead of turning to You for comfort, turn to the world and it's pleasures. You noe well O Lord, dat as Christians are not to be driven by circumstances. We are Your children, and we noe the only source we can ever get permanent, everlasting peace, is from You and You alone. Help us to submit our will, our plans, our everything unto; to deny ourselves and take up the cross - the bloodstained cross! Your Word says: 'How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?'(Heb 2:3). Restore unto every1 of us the joy of thy salvation! Help your children to see dat the only way they can EVER get to the other side of the storm is by relying on You and You alone. As much as their sins haf been crucified on the cross, help them to crucify their flesh and desires as well(Gal5:24). They will not tell the storm how big it is, but they'll the storm how big their God is. Help them to commit everything unto you in thanksgiving, you will give them 'the peace dat passes all understanding'(Phil 4:6). God, I Thank You for the demonstration of Thy Spirit and Thy Power during these past few days in my life. Now let the same thing happen to your ppl, dat they may see dat thr's no other name like the name of Jesus in all of the earth! In Christ's name I pray... Amen.'
    It is impossible to overcome your storms by relying on man, becuz they are bound to fail you!
    Why not juz trust in the Lord Almighty?
    God bless those who will be dating tmr. To my bros and sis in Christ, may you rmb your first love, which is Jesus himself.
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 3:33 pm

Saturday, February 11, 2006 || [Charmaine] - Acceptable//[Todd Smith] - So Much Greater

    Two songs dat haf really ministered to me tonite while listening to Christian radio.
    Charmaine - Acceptable

    Oh Lord, my God

    My Strength, My Redeemer
    King of kings and Lord of lords
    Hear my voice don’t turn away
    Oh Lord I pray
    Let the words of my mouth
    And the things of my heart
    Be Acceptable, Acceptable

    Let the words of my mouth
    And the things of my heart
    Be Acceptable, Acceptable to You

    Lord I want to know Your ways
    Show me the path that I must take
    Oh God I pray
    Cleanse my soul and make me new
    Lord I want to live for You
    In all that I do

    Todd Smith - So Much Greater

    You won't find freedom living in the rules
    Walking around in dead man's bones.
    You lead the choir,
    but are you singing to yourself?

    Feel the fire in your heart.
    (It's all inside you.)
    Feel the mercy in your soul.
    (It will lead to)
    A life that's so much greater,
    (step outside yourself)
    A life that's so much greater.

    You're quick to judge the world
    when something's wrong
    But there's no justice in your life.
    You lay the blame, but will you lay it on the line?


    It's all inside you, and if you needed to
    Just step outside, just step outside
    Just step outside yourself.

    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 1:04 am

Friday, February 10, 2006 || *~Reminisce~*

    I'll haf to make this post a short one cuz I'm abt to rush off for HOF. Spent abt an entire morning worrying abt my animation, but God is gd, helping me to finish the last of my 'Walk Cycle' drawings b4 accompanying Josh to visit my sch's SBM(School of Buisness Management). Pls pray for him as he'll be switching course, and dat God will gif him wisdom in choosing, cuz he's got many options open to him now.
    Demonic attacks... now dats smth we dun see everyday, but it happens on a daily basis in the 4th Dimension. S.A. Tan's demons r having a lot of fun these days, gettin pple on a spiritual low, invading the thoughts of God's pple. I've not been spared, basically havin' been tempted in many areas recently. Though in my flesh I say I muz abstain from all appearences of evil, it is still weak! I was seeking God on how I could overcome the onslaught of the enemy's legions, and God lead me to read my past blog posts. Lo and Behold! He did reveal smth we forget most of the time, dat is having a child-like faith in Christ, which is knowing dat every moment, every min., every sec., God is w/ us - w/o qn.!
    I rmb how my dad put it across to me whenever I asked him: "Does God really hear our prayers?" His reply would always be abt Jesus always walking beside us. As I grew older, I came to realise dat it's the Holy Spirit dat receives our prayers and brings them to God. In a way, my dad was rite, since the Holy Spirit is Jesus' spirit, as defined on the day of Pentecost.
    I really took time to reflect on these former wds, and oso on my blog postings, realising dat it's been a long time since I last asked God for dat child-like faith(Matt 18:4-5). It's these sort of pple dat will be made the greatest in the Kingdom of God. For me, it's oso a characteristic we can use to overcome our daily issues, even if it's coming against demonic strongholds!
    I admit dat I still give in to temptations, but God's grace is always sufficient enough, and it's becuz of sin dat we always draw back to God, becuz God wants brokeness and contriteness in our Spirit when we seek Him. I'm not sayin' dat we shld get ourselves into sin! Rather, it shld be our yearning, thrist for righteousness dat draws us to God, and we muz haf dat daily. We shld learn to empty our cup on others, in his works, and in spiritual warfare, and ask God to fill it up again!
    I see child-like faith juz abt as the basis for everything in Christ. W/o it, we will falter, which we all haf @ 1 pt. of time. However, such faith is the one dat actually helps us to stand strong in the faith God has called us to, whether u may see it as a paradox or not.
    So haf a child-like faith pple!
    Today is the release of the O' Lvl results, and thnk God for rather favourable results for my peepz. To God be all the Glory for my bros' and sis' in Christ, whether or not u've done well, cuz ultimately God will haf a plan for ya'll, plans to prosper u and not to harm u(Je 29:11)! Amen!
    I'm reminded on how faithful God was to His promise to grant me 14 pts. W/ much fasting and prayer... he fulfilled it! Hallejuah! (refer to 'Feb 2005', 'Pasts'.)
    Be encouraged ppl. Dun let the enemy get u down. Allow Christ to lift u up!
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 5:08 pm

Wednesday, February 08, 2006 || URGENT!: (Read This for Clarification)

    I dun wanna start of this post on a gloomy note, but after the prev. post, many ppl haf alrdy been stumbled by me and the wds I've put across, not juz on this blog, but in other situations as well.
    The grp dat I've been meeting up w/ consistently are ppl whom haf been called to be watchmen, and we r not being nosey-pokers, or trying to run ppl's lives as we feel they shld, or being possesive. Like I've mentioned, every1 has a choice to make @ some pt. of time, and has always come dwn to this qn: will you CHOOSE God, or the world?
    We recognise dat our approach to certain matters, and towards our bros' and sis' in Christ haf been rather harsh, and we apologize. I APOLOGIZE on the behalf of the crew. If we haf been overly-judgemental, den we seek ur forgiveness.
    We're not a cult, neither r we trying to create another religion. We're juz doin wat has been issued upon us by the Holy Spirit. Here's assurance from the Word of God itself:
    "In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry." - 2 Tim 4:1-5.
    Dats wat we've been called to do.

    1. It's our charge, given by God, but He Himself will judge (v. 1)

    2. We to do our job by correcting, rebuking and encouraging, patiently and prudently(v. 2)

    3. We r doin this cuz some of our bros' and sis' r pursuing 'another Jesus', a 'genie Messiah' (... to suit their own needs...), and r rallying together to preach it (to new Christians and may mislead them). (v. 3)

    4. We r not deviant-evangelists! (v. 5)

    I beseech ur understanding. We r here to warn, NOT TO JUDGE. Judgement is in the hands of God, but we r to sound the trumpet.
    Ok, maybe we haf sounded it TOO LOUD, or too many times. I feel for u, those who haf been stumbled, and it has irritated u, pissed u off u might say, and even offended u in Christ. 'WE'RE GOING OVERBOARD', u exclaim.
    We're sry for all dat. This is not legalism, as some of u may haf put it.
    However, I'm gng to reiterate once again. Some of u haf heard our warnings, but why aren't u doin anyth abt it? Why aren't u seeking God as u shld? Why aren't u turning ur back from the world?
    I shall hold my peace for the moment. Let the Holy Spirit convict ur hearts, so strongly abt this. Yet, once again I... we apologize once again for wat some of u haf labelled us to be: hypocrites, liars, cultists, stumblers, fakes. Pls forgive us. And we frogive ya'll for all dat too.
    I wanna take u to this msg, which I hope every true, genuine believer who proclaims his/her love for Christ will listen, and let the Holy Spirit minister.
    I've said enough, and I will not address this prob. again unless a beckoning need arises.
    Bros' and sis', be steadfast in ur love for Christ!
    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 11:46 pm

Sunday, February 05, 2006 || §§The§§Gates§§Of§§Hell§§Shall§§Not§§Prevail§§

    "And I say unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." - Matthew 16:18

    The church is a living and glorious one. A one that God delights in.

    Jesus said dat the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church.

    The church: The ppl, the Body of Christ.

    If the church r the ppl, den the gates of hell shall not prevail against the hearts of His ppl.

    Breathren, I beseech you: do not let the Devil entice u. These are the last days. Men shall become lovers of pleasure, of themselves... of the world.

    Satan is the prince and power of the world. I beseech u... guard ur hearts!

    I dun wanna stumble ppl... dun get me wrong... but I've been called to be a watchman, separate for the gospel...

    U may turn away from this, but will u turn away from the Truth?

    I can't take anymore.

    To whom shall I give warning to?

    I sound the trumpet, but it falls on deaf ears.

    I invite ppl to the banquet, but they reject the call.

    I'm gng to sek God like nvr b4.

    I'm gng to draw closer to Him like nvr b4.

    It is not my work, but the work of the Holy Spirit, dat I pray will draw to repentance...

    The backsliden...

    both in body...

    and soul...

    Breathren, those who see wat's happening, pls pray along w/ me.

    Those whom God has called u to be a watchman/watchwoman!

    Let us redeem the time, for the days are evil.

    For my bros' and sis' who CHOOSE to be worldly... God is giving u a chance to repent.

    The bible says He's slow to anger, abounding in love and mercy...

    but He will not cotend w/ ur hearts forever...

    juz as he did, in Noah's days...


    Peace out & GB.

Tohster was left alone on 11:51 pm

Da' MaN

+Toh Zhi Hao Samuel
a.k.a TºZºHa0º
+NYP/Digital Media Design [DMD]
† Christian †`
Evangel Family Church

+Influences: Jesus | Raisins | Net surfing | Hip-Hop/R&B/Alt. Rock | Music Videos | Sci-Fiction |
+Destestables: S.A. Tan | Vegetables [I'm learning to like em'] | Slow Internet Bandwidth |

"To everything there's a season; a time for every purpose under Heaven." - Ecc 3:1

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God." - Matt 5:9

"And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." - Gal 5:24

"He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in him." - Col 2:15

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.His praise endures forever." - Psalm 111:10




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